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��o CITY �F �RONQ <br /> RESOLUTION OF'FHE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��� e'� rro. 6 6 6 0 <br /> �k SH09`� <br /> A2. The Property is locazsd witban the RR 1B Single Family Rural Residential District which <br /> requires a minimwm lot area of 2.0 acres and a minimum lot wicith of 200' for conslruction <br /> of a singf e family residence. <br /> A3. The Property is 0.62 acres in area, being 180 feet in defiaed width. The property is <br /> considered as legally nonconforming with regazd to lot area and lot width. <br /> A4. The property is located within Stonm Water Quality Overlay District Tier 1 which allows <br /> 25% hazdcover. The proposed residence additions will result in total hardcover on the <br /> pmperty of 4,212 s.f.or appro�cimately 15.7%,well below the maximum overall hardcover <br /> allowaa�ce for the Properly. Hardcover within the 0-75' zone where no hardcover is <br /> normally allowed is I,Q70 s.f. <br /> A5. The applicants are proposing to reconfigure an exi.s�g deck into a covered deck with <br /> storage below, on the east side of the residence. The property abuts the creek that flows <br /> fiom Lake Classen to Stubbs Bay wluch is a protectsd tributary and subject to a 75' <br /> structure setback as well as the standard limitatians on hardcover in the 0-75' zoae. <br /> Portions of the �ist�ag house, deck and patio are within 75' of the creek shoreline,which <br /> normally exasts act approximately the 960'contour,fluctuations being controlled by the dam <br /> further south just east of Leaf Street.. <br /> A6. The exisbng house is two levels with a flat roof,and the proposed deck area roconfiguration <br /> will retain that stylin$, The construction will be occurring almost ernirely aver existing <br /> patio, deck or driveway hardcover, and no hardcover increase is pmposod. The additional <br /> superstruchue of storage area enclosure and deck mof constitute aew stcvctu�e within 75' <br /> of the shoreline,requirimg a variancs for hardcovcr conversion and stcucture within 75' of <br /> the creek <br /> A7. T1ne proposai to r�place the existing deck in its existing footprint, add a roof over it, and <br /> create enclosed storage under it, will not increase hardcover from the existing levels. <br /> Existing and proposed hardcover at just under 16%is w+ell below the 25%threahold for the <br /> site,and no additional hardcover is being added in the 0-75' zone, so runoff from the site <br /> is not expected to increase. <br /> A8. The only new structure footprint proposed is the 4' extensian of the deck southward and <br /> the stairway leading to the driveway. This constitutes 46 s.f.of added sf�vctural hardcover <br /> in the 0-75' zone, while overall structural coverage on the lot will still be at o�nly 5.5%, <br /> well below the 15%Iimit. <br /> A9. The praposed roof over the reconfigured deck will provide functionality while enbancing <br /> the architectural styling of the existing residence. Because the proposed deck roof is well <br /> below the 30'height limit,it is not expected to be visually int,rusive from off-site. <br /> 2 <br />