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� � ' � � �� � <br /> Resolution Exhibit A <br /> Par 1: That part of Lot 3, Block 1, Holly Acres 2"a Addition lying Westerly of a line and its <br /> Northerly extension drawn from a point on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3 distant <br /> 231.37 feet Northwest of the Northeast corner of said Lot 3 to a point on the South line of <br /> said Lot 3 distant 182.00 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof. <br /> Par 2: That part of Lot 4, Block 1, Holly Acres 2"d Addition lying Southerly of a line and its <br /> Northwesterly extension drawn Northwesterly from the Southeast corner of said Lot 4 to a <br /> point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 4 distant 231.69 feet Southwesterly of the <br /> Northwest corner thereo£ <br /> also identified as Hennepin County PIN #25-118-23-44-0013 within the City of Orono <br />