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, . . <br /> ���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> y�, ���` NO. � `-� 8 O <br /> jqkESH�4� <br /> 1. Consistent with the community management plan. The proposed use is residential in <br /> nature and residential use is consistent with the CMP guiding for this neighborhood. <br /> 2. Compliant with the zoning code, including any conditions imposed on specific uses as <br /> required by article V, division 3 of the City Code. The guest house will be otherwise <br /> conforming in location and height on the Property; the proposal to convert the existing <br /> nonconforming detached garage into the guest house requires a variance due to the <br /> nonconforming footprint size. <br /> 3. Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management. The proposed <br /> use will be adequately served by existing services and facilities. <br /> 4. Provided with an adequate water supply and sewage disposal system. The proposed <br /> guest house will be connected to City sewer and water. <br /> 5. Not expected to generate excessive demand for public services at public cost. Staff <br /> believes this criterion is met. <br /> 6. Compatible with the surrounding area as the area is used both presently and as it is <br /> planned to be used in the future. The proposed use of the detached garage for the <br /> guest house space is residential in character and its use is expected to be compatible <br /> with the surrounding area. <br /> 7. Consistent with the character of the surrounding area, and the community management <br /> plan, unless a change of character is called for in the community management plan. <br /> The guest house is residential in visual character and from the exterior, no change will <br /> be observed, and will be compatible with the surrounding area. <br /> 8. Not expected to substantially impair the use and enjoyment of the properties in the area <br /> or have a materially adverse impact on the property values in the area when compared <br /> to the impairment or impact of generally permitted uses. The use of the structure as a <br /> guest house is not expected to have any adverse impacts. No information has been <br /> presented to indicate such. <br /> 9. Provided with screening and buffering adequate to mitigate undesirable views and <br /> activities likely to disturb surrounding uses. The existing detached garage and guest <br /> house will not be significantly visible when viewed from off the property due to its <br /> location on the lot. No additional screening or buffering is required. <br /> 5 <br />