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2016-00291 - retaining wall
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Lakeview Pkwy
795 Lakeview Pkwy - 06-117-23-43-0014
2016-00291 - retaining wall
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8/22/2023 5:29:00 PM
Creation date
4/24/2017 3:00:41 PM
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795 Lakeview Pkwy
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APPLICANT/OWNER ACKNCIWLEDGEMENT: <br /> . ApplicanUOwner agrees to provide all information required or requ�ested by the Ptanning Departme�rt; <br /> . Owr�er agrees to pay the City af Orono for engineering consultant review ccasts where applicable; <br /> . ApplicanUOwner certifies that the infoRnation supplied is true and carrect to the best of his/her knowledge. The applicarrt recognizes <br /> that they are solely responsible for submitting a complete application being awar� that upon failure to do so, the staff has no <br /> altemative but to reject it un61 it is cbmplete; <br /> • Applicant adcncnMedges the attac�ed Escrow Agreemerrt is completed and signed by f)wner, <br /> • Applf+cant/Oumer understands their praject may require an initial andtor a�-built survey per City Code Section 88-68. <br /> • Some flr all of the information that yau are asked to provide an this application is dassified by State latiu as either private or <br /> confideRtial. Private data is informartion which generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the sub}ed of the data. <br /> ConfideMial data is information which generally cannot be given to either the public or the subject of the data. Uur purpose and <br /> ir� use Qf this information is to annualty update our r�cords and records of ather govemmental agencies required by law. If <br /> ou refuse to su I the it'�farmation the a iqtion ma not be issued. <br /> The undersigned certify that the informafion supp d is true and correct to the best af their knowlsdge. <br /> � <br /> Applicant's Si�nature: � - �M Date: � Z �'—l�Cs <br /> Property Owner's Signature: Date: <br /> SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Except for tree removal permits, ail permits cec�utre a cornpleted <br /> TYPE OF PERMIT: appllcatlon fam,escrow agreement(sigr�ed by the property owner)and escrow check from owner, <br /> finro copfes of each,where appltcable,plans,landscape plar�,grading ptans,surveys or site plans. <br /> Dock,Comme�ial t. Strucxural plans for the dock <br /> 2. Survey/site plan shaning the proposed location of the dock <br /> 3. Copy of IMCD permit <br /> Dock,Residerttial Seasonal Dodc-sunrey showing propos�dodc <br /> Pertnanerrt Dodc—plans as a b CUP and of LMCD ermit if a (icable <br /> Ha�+dcaver Permit 1. All Min�or Maja�Land Alteratron Pennit requiremerrts appy as appropriate <br /> 2. Hard�caleulatioas,existing and proposed <br /> 3. Sunrey <br /> �nd AI#erdtiOn,M2tjor 1. Surveylgrading plan induding existing and proposed contaurs as approved by Conditional Use Permit <br /> 2. Erosion control plan. <br /> 3. A copy of Minhehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWQ}pertnits or documentation from the MGVVC3 statirg tt� <br /> proposed projeck dces not trigger any of tF►eir permitting requi�emerNs. Please note,tl�e City wlfl n�issus a <br /> bulldin it wittwut infonnafion irom the MCWD. <br /> LBnd Atteration,Minor 1. Sun+eyJgrading plan induding e�is#irg ar`d propased cantours <br /> 2. Amourrt of fill to be imported aruilor e�arted arki haut route <br /> 3. Amount of eanh to be moved around on gite <br /> 4. Erosion c�ntroi plan. <br /> 5. A copy of N{'mnehaha Creek Watershed Oistrict(MCWD)permits or doeumentation irom the MCWD stattt�g the <br /> Proposed qroject does not trigger amr of tP►eir pern�itGng requiremenis. Please ne�e,the City will not Issue a <br /> buildin rmit without infor�tion trom the MCYYQ. <br /> Re�ining Wall 1. Plans for wrall(s) . <br /> � 2. Unless repair or e�ct replar„�nent of e�sting wall,submit an updated survey with grading plan including ebsting and <br /> , proposed contouts <br /> 3. Hardcove.t calculation warksheets if in shoreland disfrict <br /> 4. Erosion cflMrol plan <br /> 5. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Wate�sh�d Distrir�(MCWD)pertnits o�documentabon from the MCWD�ating ihe <br /> proposed project does not trigger arn of their permitting requirements. Ptea�e ac�te,!hs Gity will not issue a <br /> buildi itwlthout Infamna�on fir4m the MCWD. <br /> Stairway or Lifts to 1. Ccx�struction pla�for stairway or lift,including footings <br />' �kg 2. Topographical survey of property witt�proposed stairs or lift shown <br /> 3. Erosion c�ntrol plan <br /> 4. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWQ)pertnits ar documentation from the MCWD�ating the <br /> proposed Prajeet d�s not trigger amr of iheir permit6ng roquiremen#s. Please note,the City wllt no!Iss�a <br /> lutultli ' w�wutinfiorrnatian frotn tha M(:YItD. <br /> StruCture Pertnit 1. Co�stritdion plans. <br /> 2. Swveytsite plan of property with proposed structure shov�m and witt�setbacks to property lines,other st[uc;tures on <br /> property and tl�e segii+c system indic�ted.Tfis general locatiorr of any sewer and water services should he shown If <br /> a�rabSe. <br /> 3- Grad's�g plan if gr�ing is propn�ed. <br /> 4. Hardcover cateuladcm woricsheets <br /> 5. Er�asion c�rt€ot plan. <br /> 6_ A cx�r of Minnehafia Creelc WatePstied t�t��MCWD)permRs or dopxnerrtation from the MCWD stating the <br /> proposed proje�ct does n�tiigger any o#�permitting nequiremerits: Please note,tlre City wi1F not i�ue a <br /> buildi rmit wikhout ittfarrattation ftrim H'�e MCYM�. <br /> T�}��pye� Ca11: 952-249-4600 to scheduk an inspeation f�rerrtovat of an ir�dividuat tree{s). A re-plaMing plan!erosion cQnVol/ <br /> man emerrt 1an m be uired f�dear buddtwm or artl'�r ir►tensive etatian removal. <br /> Updated: May 2015 <br />
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