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� +f <br /> 3. MONTHLY BILLING. The City will monthly forward to the Owner a statement and bill for the <br /> expenditures incurred by the City for staff and consultant services. Such statements shall be due and <br /> payable within 15 days for receipt by the Owner. No statement will be sent if there are no expenses <br /> incurred in the period since the most recent statement. The City shall itemize all time, services, and <br /> materials billed to any Owner and said time, services, and materials shall be in accordance with the <br /> rules, regulations,and fees as promulgated and adopted by the City Council. <br /> 4. DISBURSEMENT FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT. In the event the Owner does not make payment the <br /> City as required under paragrd�ph 3,the City may draw from the Escrow without further approval of the <br /> Owner to reimburse the City for eligible expenses the City has incurred. The City shall periodically <br /> notify the Owner of the draws the City has made and the nature of the expense for which the <br /> reimbursement is being made. <br /> 5. REIMBURSEMENT OF ESCROW. The Owner shall reimburse the Escrow fund for any deficits caused <br /> if the amou�t actually expended by, or billed to,the City exceeds the escrow fund balance. <br /> 6. RIGHT OF ENTRY. <br /> • Zonin4. This section is not applicable. <br /> • Buildina. This section is not applicable. <br /> • Accessorv Structure. The Owner hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and <br /> conuactors the right to enter the property to remove the accessory building(s) should the Owner <br /> not complete the removal obligations in Orono City Code Section 78-1432. <br /> • ISTS. The Owner hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors the right <br /> to enter the property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in <br /> conjunction with replacement of the septic system, including but not limited to constructing or <br /> completing any and all of the agreed upon improvements should the Owner not complete those <br /> improvements by the date agreed upon. <br /> ■ Temporarv Certificate of Occuaancv. This section is not applicable. <br /> 7. NO INTEREST PAID. All accrued interest, if any, shall be paid to the City to reimburse the City for its <br /> cost in administering the Escrow account. <br /> 8. CLOSING ESCROW. When the review has been completed or the proJect has been completed, the <br /> balance of the Escrow, if any, shall be returned to(check one): <br /> D( Owner ❑ Applicant a Other <br /> Name: �j (l �n 1 L S <br /> Street Address 1 PO Box: o7d <br /> City 1 State/ZIP: W1:Nr�}���j� , S7�o S" <br /> 9. CERTIFIED UNPAID CHARGES. If the Apptication is abandoned by Owner,or if the eligible expenses <br /> incurred by the City exceed the amount in Escrow, the City shall have the right to certify the unpaid <br /> balance to the Subject Property pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§415.01 and 366.012. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. <br /> CITY OF ORONO: � OWNER(s): <br /> ���` <br /> BY: BY: -^-� <br /> �;Gc.hvt,ct�' <br /> Variance Application-January 2017 <br /> Page 10 <br />