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. t <br /> ���� CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF TH� CITY COLTNCIL <br /> �� ��� No. G690 <br /> t�kES H�4� <br /> 2. Other nearby segments of Hill Street have been vacated by the City, <br /> including that portion west of Crestview in 2001 ; This right-of-way <br /> discontinuity is an additional factor that supports the currently requested <br /> vacation. <br /> 3. Hill Street ROW does not continue East. <br /> 4. The City of Orono has no municipal sewer, water, or storm sewer facilities <br /> within the portion of right-of-way to be vacated. <br /> 5. Electric, gas, telephone and cable utilities have been notified of the <br /> proposed vacation and none have objected to the vacation nor indicated <br /> they have existing facilities within the easement area. <br /> 6. The City Council finds that this particular right-of-way has no apparent <br /> present or future benefit to the public because of the topography of the site. <br /> The City, the County and the State are not likely to spend tax dollars <br /> maintaining this shoreline. <br /> 7. The City Council finds that: <br /> a) The vacation does not affect access to or use of any adjoining <br /> property. The property owner's legal access to the property will not <br /> be affected by the vacation of Hill Street and no adjacent or nearby <br /> properties will have their access limited by it. <br /> b) The City has not and does not intend to develop, improve, or use the <br /> dedicated right-of-way as a road or for utilities or access purposes. <br /> c) The unimproved dedicated right-of-way as it exists serves no public <br /> purpose. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the vacation of the portion of <br /> Hill Street right-of-way as described above, and as shown on the Certificate of Survey <br /> attached as Exhibit A, is hereby granted by the City Council of the City of Orono on this <br /> 14th day of November, 2016. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />