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Resolution 6694
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6600 - 6699 March 28, 2016 - November 28, 2016)
Resolution 6694
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/8/2017 10:54:46 AM
Creation date
12/14/2016 11:50:02 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />C, <br />NO. b -° � f <br />A2. The Property is located within the LR -1C Single Family Lakeshore Residential District <br />which requires a minimum lot area of 0.50 acre and a minimum lot width of 100 feet for <br />construction of a single family residence. <br />A3. The Property is 10,740 square feet (0.25 acres) in area, being 62 feet in defined width. The <br />property is considered as legally nonconforming with regard to lot area and lot width. <br />A4. The property is located within Storm Water Quality Overlay District Tier 1 which allows <br />25% hardcover. The proposed new residence will result in total hardcover on the property <br />of 3,179 s.f or approximately 29.6%, exceeding the maximum overall hardcover allowance <br />for the Property. The portion of proposed hardcover within the 0-75' zone where no <br />hardcover is normally allowed is 110 s.f. <br />A5. Regarding the lot area and width variances, lakeshore lots on the western shore of Crystal <br />Bay were platted between Shadywood Road and the lakeshore in the 1890s. These lots <br />were typically 50-60 feet in width, and varied in depth due to the relatively straight road <br />and curvilinear shoreline. The applicants' lot is at one of the "pinch points" where the lot <br />depth is relatively short. On a majority of the originally platted lots individual cabins were <br />built, which over time have been remodeled or replaced with larger homes. In a small <br />number of cases, two or more lakeshore lots have been combined to create a larger lot, but <br />a majority of the properties. remain as single lots and most are significantly smaller than <br />the 1/2 -acre requirement of the LR -1 C district. The fact that Applicants' property contains <br />an existing residence and has been assessed for and is connected to municipal sewer and <br />water, are factors which inherently support the granting of lot area and width variances for <br />construction of a new residence. <br />A6. With regard to the hardcover percentage and location variances, because of the attachment <br />of the proposed garage to the proposed house, the garage becomes part of the house and as <br />required by code is proposed to meet the 30' street setback. This results in additional length <br />of driveway as compared to a side -load detached garage, while allowing for a 10'x10' <br />backup apron and room for off-street guest parking. Off-street parking and the ability to <br />enter the road in a forward movement are features critical in maintaining traffic safety <br />along Shadywood Road. The proposed driveway is not much wider than the garage doors. <br />The proposed grade -level patio extends approximately 6 feet past the average lakeshore <br />setback line but at the low level is not considered as a view encroachment. The patio does <br />constitute approximately 110 s.f. of hardcover in the 0-75' zone where hardcover is not <br />normally allowed. Total hardcover proposed on the site is 3,179 s.f. (29.6%) where 2,685 <br />s.f. (25%) would normally be allowed. Potential reductions to reach the 25% limit would <br />likely require a home re -design given the site conditions of proximity to Shadywood Road <br />and the need for minimum driveway, backup apron and sidewalks to serve the residence. <br />2 <br />
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