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66 <br />• Agree to pml& all lnformatlon required or Mque W by the planning DqmWWd <br />• Agree to pay additional fees (staff tlma nO covered In the original f" payment) andlor consulteat expenses Incurred in <br />review of this spplicaki% and <br />• Certify that the Inkmotion supplied Is true and correct to the best of hislher knowledge. The applicant and awner <br />recognise that Ow are solely responeme, for submftung a conisa a application being awans that upon failure to <br />do frog, the cif hes no rdternm4 ve but to rojeot It until it Is oo"IPdets of to rOWmn W ttre request for denial of the <br />request regardless of its poiendmi craft <br />• ThG OWner hereby acknowledges and agrees to this appHaedon and furdw aLJft izes reaemabie erdry onto ft property <br />by City SUN, consultants, agent$, Commission and Council Members for purposes of irnesttatlon and =Mcatlon of this <br />• Applies andlor Owner acknosdedge U" must be present at all scheduled inview ffmftp of ttrq Planning <br />GNMIaalan and Council. If ars applicant andlor owner is unable to attend a sd*duled meeting, plesee malas <br />arrange " to hove an authorized reprovenmive aftnd in place of the appItant/owner and advise the My Planner <br />aaeioned to vow mdect. <br />X AppticentlAgent Signature: <br />ApplicentllAgent Signature: <br />Property Owner SignWm: <br />Property Owner slgnatu . <br />Data: <br />Date; Ole <br />Date: <br />Bate: <br />SEP 2 0 201G <br />Sub*Adm Apphmm-darawyart+e # 3867 <br />PVD� CITY OF ORONO <br />