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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 66 8 1 <br />screening from Willow Drive. The guest house will be situated behind the knoll on the <br />Property; the roof will be visible looking into the Property approaching northbound on <br />Willow Drive. <br />9. "The conditions do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which the <br />land is located." The Property has just over 4.0 acres, enough acreage to accommodate a <br />guest house, however does not have adequate width to subdivide into two buildable lots. <br />10. "The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a <br />substantial property right of the applicant." The Applicants have indicated that this is true. <br />11. "The granting of the proposed variance will not in any way impair health, safety, comfort or <br />morals, or in any other respect be contrary to the intent of this chapter." The guest house in <br />the proposed location will not impair the health, safety, comfort or morals of the public. <br />12. "The granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but <br />is necessary to alleviate demonstrable difficulty." The Property is vacant and the <br />opportunity exists to construct a guest house in a conforming location. However due to the <br />screening the knoll and the topography will provide, the proposed location will be the least <br />impactful; the variances are necessary. <br />Conditional Use Permit Analysis: <br />The Planning Commission may recommend and the Council may grant a conditional use permit <br />as it was applied for or in modified form. On the basis of the application and the evidence <br />submitted, the city must find that the proposed use at the proposed location is or will be: <br />1. Consistent with the community management plan (CMP). The proposed use is <br />residential in nature and residential use is consistent with the CMP guiding for this <br />neighborhood. <br />2. Compliant with the zoning code, including any conditions imposed on specific uses as <br />required by article V, division 3 of the City Code. The guest house/accessory building <br />will be conforming in location, size and height for a principal structure on the Property; <br />it's location streetward of the principal structure requires a variance. <br />3. Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management. The proposed <br />use will be adequately served by existing services and facilities. <br />4 <br />