<br /> Subd. L "C��;,,;of da[a. The ri�hts of individuz;on whom thc dat�is store�.;�r to be stored siiall be as,ct tbrth in this,ection.
<br /> Suhd.�'. Informarion rcquircd to bc-r�.,�r,in�;�;di;;tl. An indi��idual z::ked to supply p�ivarc o:;onriu.ntial.lata conc:r.i;n���;;;s�!i'_1,u;1 bc
<br /> infomied of: (a)�he purpose and intended usc uf the requestcd da�n within the collecting,tate agcnty,political subdivision,or statcwide svstem;�b)
<br /> �ahethcr he may refuse or is Icgally rcquired to supply the requested data;(c)any known consequcncc arising from his supplying or refusin�to sup�lv
<br /> privatc or contidcn[ial data;and(d)the identity of other persons or entitics�uthorized by state or federal law to rcccive thc dam. This rcyuiremcnt sh:tll
<br /> not�ipply whcn an individunl is asked to supply invcstigativc data.pursuant to scction 13.8'',subdivisioi�5,[o u law eniorccmcnt o�Fccr.
<br /> The conmiissioner of revenue mav olace the notice rcquired under this subdivision in the individuai income t�x or�ronc�tv t��r�fiind
<br /> instructions mstead of on those fonns.
<br /> Subd.3. Acecss to data by individual. Upon request to a responsible authority,an individual shall bc inlonned whedier he is the,ubjcct of
<br /> stored data on individuals,and whether it is classified 2s public,private or confidential. Upon his further request,an inclividual who is thc su�ject oF
<br /> stored private or public data on individuals shall be shown the data wi[hout any charge to him and,if he desires,shal I be infonned of die cuntcnt and
<br /> meaning of that data. After an individual has been shown the private data and infomied of its meaning,the data need not be discloscd to him for six
<br /> months thereafter unless a dispute or action pursuant to this section is pendino or additional data on the individual has becn collected or cre�tc�l. Thc
<br /> respunsible authority shall providc copics of the privatc or public data upon requcst by the individual subjert ol the data. The responsibic authority
<br /> may rcquire thc requesting person[o pay the actual costs of making,certifying,and compiling Ihe copies.
<br /> Thc responsible authority shall comply immcdiatcly,if possible,with any request made pursuant to this suhdivision,or�vithin five da��s of
<br /> the date of the request,e�cluding Saturdays,Sundays and Icgal holidays,if immediatc compliance is not possible. Ifhe cannot eomply with the requcst
<br /> within diat time,he shall so infom�the individual,and may havc an additional five days within�vhich to comply with thc rcquest,cscluding Saturdays.
<br /> Sundays and legal holidays.
<br /> Subd.4. Procedurc when data is not accurate or complete. An individual may contest the accuracy or completeness of public or privatc data
<br /> conccrning himself. To exercisc this righr,an individual shall notify in writing the responsible authority dcscribing the naturc of thc disa��rcement. Thc
<br /> responsible authority shall within 30 days eithcr. (a)correct the data found to be inaccurate or incomplctc and attempt to notify past reci��icnts oF
<br /> innccurate or incomplete data,including recipien[s named by the individual;or(b)notify the individual that he bciieves the data to be correct. Data in
<br /> dispute shall be disclosed only if the individual's statement of disagreement is included with thc disclosed�ata.
<br /> The detern�ination of the responsible authority may be appealed pursuant ro the provi;ion,of the administrati��e p�ucedw�e�ict relatin��ti�
<br /> contcstcd cases.
<br /> In accordance with M.S. 13.04,Subd.2,"Rights of subjects of data",we would like to inforn�you that your request
<br /> for a pernlit or license from the City of Orono or any of its departments may require you to furnish certain private or
<br /> confidential infonnation.
<br /> You are notified that:
<br /> I. The information you fiu-nish wil� be used to detennine your qualification for the pennit or license
<br /> requested.
<br /> 2. You may refuse to supply data,but refiisal inay require that the City deny the permit or license.
<br /> 3. The infonnation may be shared with other local, state or federal agencies to the eatent necessary to
<br /> process the pennit or license.
<br /> 4. If your requested pennit or license requires Council action to approve, soine inforn�ation may become
<br /> public.
<br /> 5. You have certain rights under M.S. 13.04(available upon request)to review private data on }�ourse(f.
<br /> 6. Your full name is required to process this application or pennit.
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