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. . . � � . <br /> Sec.13.OS RIGHTS OF SUB,fEC'TS OF DATa • � <br /> Satd. 1. Tyge o[data. �se righcc of individuai on wham the data u scomd or w be scor.d sbalI be as sec fo�ch in this section. <br /> Subd.2. Iafarmation reqtrired to be givea iadiridvaI. an individual aske3 W suppIy privace or eoafidea¢al dam eocceming himsetf shaIl <br /> be ia,°orm:d o`: (a)[he purpose aad ia4aded use oE che roqucscxi dan wichi3�he eollecdng E��:ageary,poliacaI sut�division,ar sa�wide rysmm• <br /> Cb)u'h=�`.e:ho;.3y r_Fus:or is.legalIy requir:d to suPPtY.�e cequesud data:(c)asy I�ovra eoasequecce arisin3 froca�s supplyia3 or reEuiag to supp[y <br /> privace or co:i:;!dara;u:d(d)t�e ideadry af ocher�csoas or ecdces aucuoriz:3 by sc��or fe�c�'!_:;,a r.cei•+e�e da�. This r_quirc�eac 5�3!1 <br /> r.oc a�ply wcea an ir:dividual is asked to supply iavesagadve daa,pursuaac ta se.doa 13.82,subdivision 5, w a faw enfaccemeat ofncer. . - <br /> The eenmisiiorser of revenue mav ptace [he nodc- r�uird und-r this subdivision in the individual ircome eix or orooem t�z refund <br /> inscrucdoru L�suad of an those forms. . <br /> Subd.3. Aecess to data bp iadiridual. Upon requesc to a respansible auchority,an individuaI shatl be informed whtcher he is che subjecc <br /> of stor:d daa an individuaLs,aad whecher it is et�ss�ed u public,private or eonFdend�i. Upan his turcher r_quest,an iedividaal who is the subjccc <br /> ef sior,d priva:e or public dam on individuals shali be shown the daa wirhout any eharge co hua and;if he desira,shalI be informed of the contenc <br /> ar.d m:aning af chat dara. Aher an individual his been shown the privac:daa ar.d infa�d of ic�meaaing,cfie dam ne:d no�be d'uclosed to him for <br /> six monc�c chereafrer unl:ss a dispuce or accon purruane to ehis secdon is pending or addidooal da�on the iadividual has beea eollec�d or erea�:d. <br /> The cespoasible authoriry shaIl�provide eopies of the priva�orpubtic dara uFon request by the iadividual subject oC che daa. The respoasible authoriry <br /> may rcquir_ che r.quesdng peaon to pay[he aceual eosu af makinz,eerdfying,ar.d compiling the eopia. <br /> The resgonsible authoriry shaIl eomply imm:diacaly,if passibie,wich aay teqaest made pursuant to this subdivision,oc wichin five days of <br /> the dac:of uke teques4 excluding Satuniays,Sundays and legal holidays,if immediate comp(iaace is not possibta. If he eanuot eomply wirh tha request <br /> wirhin thac dme,ha shal!so inform ehe individuaI,and may have an addidona!five days wi[hin which to comply with the rcquest,ezduding Sacurdays, <br /> Sundays and legal holidays. . . <br /> Subd.4. Pzocedure when data is not accurate or compiete. An icdividual may eonc�st tha accuracy ar eompieceaess o[pablic orprivace <br /> dara eoncerning tiimself. To ezercise�his right,an individuat shal!aodfy in wridng the respoasibte auchoriry descn'bing the nanire of the d'uagreemeae <br /> The nspocuible auihoriry shall within 30 days ei�:er: (a)correcc che dara found to be inaccurat�oc ir.compia_aad acu.mpt to nodfy past recipienc�of <br /> inaccu�ace or incamplete data, including recipicn�s narn:d by che individual;or(b)aoaFj the individual thac he believes the dati to be correcc Dat� <br /> in dispu�e shall be disdosed only if the individ�al's scacemenc of disagreem:nt is included wich the d'udosed data. <br /> The dacerminadon of the responsible au�horiry may be appaaled pursuanc to the provisions of cha adminisaadve proccdure act relaang to <br /> cont�skd cases. � . . <br /> DATA PRIVACY ADYISORY � <br /> In accordance wich M.S. 13.04, Subd.2, "R.igh�s of subjeccs of data",we would like to inform you that your requesc <br /> for a pemut or license from the Ciry of Orono or any of iu departments may require you to furnish certain private or <br /> confidential information. <br /> You are notified that: <br /> 1. The information you furnish will be used to detemune your qualification for the permit or license requested. <br /> 2. You may refuse to supply data, but refusal may require that the City deny the or license. <br /> 3. The information may be shared wich other local, state or federal a�encies to the eztent necessary to process <br /> the permit or license. � <br /> 4. If your requested permit or licease requires Council action to approve, some information may become <br /> . public, . . . . . <br /> ��. You have certain ri�hts under bi.S. 13.04�(availabie upon request) to review private data on.yourself. <br /> 6. Your full name is required to process this applicacion or permic. <br /> _ ��.�i �r�:��;�� :sy>�-r��.� ��ti�� . <br /> Fusc � `� �,ctadl� t.asc . <br /> l �(�� ,��. �% (1 ��'�1` <br /> Addreu :., � � ; , �. � _� � �� c> -► � � . <br /> C�ry Sate Zip ~ P�one <br /> I understand my ri�hhts� ed above. <br /> � ', �� � . �/ � <br /> � r� , L <br /> slgrncure <br />