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2013-01309 - reline the existing chimney
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1540 Fox St - 02-117-23-32-0003
2013-01309 - reline the existing chimney
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8/22/2023 4:09:14 PM
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10/7/2016 1:41:26 PM
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INSULATiNG CNIM-PFtQ�L�X WffH CH11yl-MIX tNSUU1TIC�N puring process,disErlbuie lhe Chim-Mlx evenly on atl sldes of Greliner, <br /> (NOTE:Chim-Mix Is not aHowed tor rigid systems.) Wiggle and a the liner periodica!!y as you pour ta assist in settfing 1he insula- . <br /> A minimum o(1^of C�im-Mix is requiretl for splid fue!when there is zero tion into po fCl n.betermine the termination you wani to use and foilow those <br /> clea�an�e hetween the masflnry chimney arrtl cpmbustible eonslruditin and 1/2" instruciions fo the height that the Chim-Mix insuEation is��be pouretl, <br /> o(Chim-Mix if�his clearanca is 1"ot more. Use the o�owing snathematicaE formule or use the handy Chim-{lilix Calcu- <br /> Chfm-Mfx is an insuialetl pr�mix that comeS in a bag and yieid5 3.25 cubic latian Chari b ow 10 calcuiate yaur mfx quantities.Be sure io add 25�ex�ra in <br /> feet once mixed,Mixthe Chim-Mix InsulatEon�y adding 4 galfons af water per case the chi ey!p is not consislent. <br /> bag of dry insulatian antl blend thoroughly either by hand or in a power mixer. <br /> Once properly mixed,the Chim-Mix Insulation wall appear only tlamp and haue (�N"X D"X H")-(1`I X R2 x Ff")=R <br /> a g�anular consistsnry.This wifi assure proper flowability wilhaut affectiag insu- A=1728�Cubfc Ft Of Maierial Needed <br /> lative r�ualities_($e sure Co wear praper eye proteciion antl ds,si mask.) W idih Of Chimney Or Flue ID In fnches 1`]�3.1416 <br /> It may be rTecessary ro pack ceramic blanket insulatlon in the ctearrout � eptn�f Chimrtey Or Flue iD In locnes R�=Radlus l(Radius <br /> thimble opening to prevent the Chim-Mix Insulatfon irom flowing oul of fhese �r eighl Oi Flue En InCh�s a=�rea ro Fiu <br /> openings dunng the pou�ng proo�s,Thls blanl�insufaUon can be lert in�e chimney. <br /> CH{M-MlXr"'CALCULATION H RT <br /> �fue QreB 13 16 2D 24 28 33 38 44 50 64 71 79 87 95 104 113 <br /> Uiameler 4 4_5 5 5.5 6 B_5 7 7.5 8 S 5 9 9.5 10 iQ.5 11 1?.5 12 <br /> 65 .36 .34 .31 .2$ .26 22 .19 .15 _10 , 6 _01 <br /> 70 .40 .38 .35 .22 .29 .26 22 .18 .1 d _ 9 .04 <br /> 75 .4$ .41 .38 .35 .33 .29 .26 ,22 .17 _1 .08 .03 <br /> 80 .47 .44 .42 .39 ,36 .33 .28 .25 .21 .1 .11 ,pS .p1 <br /> 85 50 .4B .45 .42 .a0 .36 .33 .28 _24 ,19 .15 10 .04 <br /> 80 .53 .51 .49 .46 .43 .4p .36 _32 .2$ . 3 .1$ .13 OS p2 <br /> 95 .57 .55 _S2 .49 .47 .43 .40 .35 .31 . fi 22 .17 .11 .O6 <br /> 1pp .60 .58 .5S _S3 ,�0 .47 .43 .39 .35 . 0 .2S .20 ,15 .b8 .03 <br /> a 110 .67 .65 .63 .60 .57 .53 .50 A6 .42 . 7 _32 _27 .Z2 .16 .10 04 <br /> � 120 .�a •7� _69 .67 _6q .60 57 .53 .49 . a .39 .34 .28 ,2s .17 ,11 .05 <br /> 130 .81 .7$ .76 _7A ,71 .67 .64 .60 .56 . 1 .46 .41 ,35 _3p .24 18 ,12 <br /> � 140 .88 .98 .89 .81 .78 .74 .7t .67 .63 . 8 .53 .�#$ .42 .37 .31 .25 .19 <br /> m <br /> y i50. .95 .93 .90 ,88 .85 .61 .78 .74 .69 . S .60 .55 .49 .44 .38 .S2 .26 <br /> � 160 i.02 1.00 .97 .94 .92 .86 .85 .81 .76 . 2 .67 .62 .56 _51 ,45 .39 .33 <br /> - f 10 1.09 f.07 1.p4 1.01 .99 ,95 9� ,88 .83 , g .74 .69 ,63 58 .52 .46 40 <br /> � 18D 1.16 1.14 1.17 1.08 i.p6 1.02 .99 .94 .90 . 6 .81 _76 .70 .65 .59 .53 a7 <br /> E 190 1.23 1.21 1.18 1,15 1.13 1_09 7.€J6 1_01 .97 . 2 .88 .83 .77 .72 .66 .6Q .53 <br /> � 200 1.3Q 1. 6 t.25 1.22 i.19 1_16 1.13 1.08 1_p4 . 9 94 .90 .84 .78 .73 _67 .6D <br /> 0 210 1.37 1.35 1_32 1.29 i.26 1.23 y.'19 1.15 1.11 . 6 1,'1 Q .97' .91 .85 .B .74 .67 <br /> � 22Q 1.44 i.42 1,98 1.36 1_33 i.30 1.2fi 1.22 1.1� . 3 1.08 1.03 .98 .52 .$7 .81 .74 <br /> � 230 1.51 1.49 1.46 1_43 1.4a 1_37 1.33 1.29 1,25 . 0 f.15 1_1 p 1.05 99 .94 .88 .g'I <br /> 240 i.58 1.56 1.53 1.50 i.47 1.44 1_40 1.36 1.32 . 7 1,22 y,17 1.12 1,06 2.Q1 .94 .88 <br /> 250 1.65 i.83 1.60 1.57 'f.54 y_51 1.47 1.43 i.39 . 4 129 1.2Q 1.19 i_13 1.08 1.01 .85 <br /> 275 1.82 1.$Q 1.77 1.74 1.72 t.6$ i.B5 1.60 1_S6 . 1 'l.47 i.q2 1.36 1.31 1.25 1.99 1.t3 <br /> 3bQ 1.g8 1.97 1. 4 1.92 1_89 1.85 1.82 1.76 'l.74 . 9 1.6�4 y_5 1.53 1.48 1.42 1.36 1.34 <br /> 325 2.17 2.15 2.12 2.03 2.06 2_p3 1.99 1.9 1.91 , 6 i.81 1.76 "l.71 i.S5 1.60 1.59 1.47 <br /> 350 2.34 2.32 2.29 2,26 2,24 2.�0 2.17 2.i3 2.08 . 3 1.99 1.84 1.88 1,89 1.77 1.71 1.85 <br /> 375 2.51 2.49 2.47 2.44 2.41 2.38 2.34 2,30 2_26 , 1 2.16 2_11 2.0B 2.00 1.9a 1.89 1.82 <br /> 40Q P,�� 2.67 2.64 2.8i 2.$8 '2.55 2.51 2.47 2.43 . a 2.33 2.28 223 2,i7 2.12 :Q8 1.83 <br /> lntersectlng Che Ffu�11rea(acrp5s the top)and Squar�Inehes(down left Take 7otal 4ic Fee1=3_25=Number of 8aqs ot Chim-Mix needed. <br /> Slde)is the Area Factor.Area factor X NeigM of Flue In Feet=Ca4ic Feet Take Num e oi Baga+25°�=Recnmmended Number nf Bags needed <br /> of materi�l aeeded.One bdg 0T Chim-Mix=3.25 GUbi�feet once m1xeQ, �O cover v ri nces. <br /> CHINt-PRO�tlGID PRE-qSS�M6LY lW0 lNSU�.ATIQN riveting wil b tlone to the f iner sections. <br /> Most chimneys can be rel(netl by pre-assembling two or three sections Pre-as e ble n�more seCtians than you know can be safery Eranspnrled <br /> of Ch1m-Pro Rigld Liner,with each sectian consisting of 72'or 96"of finer. up on the r n and inshalied into ihe chfmney. <br /> Examp/e:A 15`(overall)sysrem cauld be instaEled in iwo sections,one Cut in I tion tor pre-assembled segments to provide a tight butt joini <br /> consisting of the tee and two 38'liners,one cnnsisting of ihree 36"liners. once instal e .Sutt joint must be covered with afum�num tape. <br /> 1f possible;Joining ot liners should be performed on a tiat surtaca.Each Gut Ch Pro Mesh to provide an ovarlap once installetl.Tighren the <br /> liner should tuily sea�10 the beatl.Make sure lMe crimped and is down. mesh cla ver the Qverlap to se�ure. <br /> Chim-?ro fittings utiNae the Band-Glamp System.The only drilling and <br /> , <br /> 6 <br />
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