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PERMIT FEE CALCULATION(S) � <br /> � BASED OFF - 2002 STATE STATUE � <br /> ❑ Yes.this section applies <br /> The replacement of a Residential 'xture or a�liance that ineets all three of the following requirements: <br /> l. Does not require modification to electrical or gas service. <br /> 2. Has a total cost of$�00.00�r less, excluding the cost of the fixture or appliance: and <br /> 3. Is improved, installed or replaced by the homeowner or licensed contractor. <br /> Skip next seciion, if this applies, Cost of Pennit $ 15.00 <br /> State Surcharge $ 1.00 <br /> Mail-In Fee(If Applicable) $ 2.00 <br /> Total Permit Fee $ <br /> � I�E��Ii i' T��E C;A�CULATiuN(S) —i(!ijS uV i,R $�0�.(i0 j <br /> If above does not apply;follow guidelines below: <br /> 1. CONTRACT PRICE * is 1.25%of contract price with a(Minimum Fee of�50.00) <br /> ��8�� � .o i�s � � 3. S� <br /> (conh�act price) (minimum$50.00) <br /> 2. STATE SURCHARGE <br /> � 6 � 3— >: .000; �-----3—�-- <br /> (concractE,r�cej___.._ _ <br /> 3. POSTAGF,&HANDLING(Only on Mail-In Applications) $ 2.00 <br /> 4. TOTAI.PERMIT FEE(Add Lines 1-3 Above) �_ ��- � 7 <br /> ■ * CONTRACT PRICE or JOB COST means the actual or estimated dollar amount charged for the <br /> permitted work including materials, labor, profit, and other fixed costs. It is the amount to be cl�arged <br /> to the customer for tlle work done. If any material, equipment, labor or installations are furnished by <br /> the owner, tenant or any other party, the reasonable market value of such items must be added to the <br /> estimated cost or contract price for permit fee purposes. In the event that there is a dispute on the <br /> amount of the job cost, the City may request the submission of a signed copy of the actual contract. <br /> � � MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLIGATION AGREEMENT � <br /> "The undersigned hereby applies to the City far issuance of a Mechanical Pennit, agrees to do all <br /> work in strict accordance with the ordinances of the City and the regulations of the State of <br /> Minnesota, and certi�fies that all statements made on this application are complete, true and <br /> correct. <br /> Applicant's Signature: _ Date:���-��/ �� <br /> 3 <br />