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1� . <br /> , � ,. <br /> -- M <br /> § 10.60 <br /> Subd. 7. Vibration. Any use creating periodic earth-shaking vibrations, such as may <br /> be created from a drop forge shall be prohibited if such vibrations are perceptible beyond the lot line <br /> of the site on which the use is located. The standard shall not apply to vibrations created during the <br /> process of construction. <br /> Subd. 8. Glare or Heat. Any use requiring an operation producing an intense heat or <br /> light transmission shall be performed with the necessary shielding to prevent such heat or light from <br /> being detectable at the lot line of the site on which the use is located. Lighting in all instances shall <br /> be diffused or directed away from "R" Districts and public streets. <br /> Subd. 9. Explosives. Any use requiring the storage, utilization or manufacturing of <br /> products which could decompose by detonation shall be located not less than 400 feet from any "R" <br /> District line. <br /> Subd. 10. Screening Required. Screening shall be required in residential zones <br /> where: <br /> A. Any off=street parking area which contains more than four parking spaces <br /> and is within 30 feet of an adjoining residential lot line, and, <br /> B. Where the drivevray to a parking area of more than six parking spaces is <br /> within 15 feet of an adjoining residential lot line. <br /> Subd. 11. Screening,Type of. The screening required herein shall consist of a solid <br /> fence or wall at least 50%open, not less than four feet nor more than five feet in height but shall not <br /> extend within 15 feet of any street or driveway opening onto a street. The screening shall be placed <br /> along the property lines or in case of screening along a street, 15 feet from the street right- of-way <br /> with landscaping (trees, shrubs, grass and other planting) between the screening and the pavement. <br /> A louvered fence shall be considered solid if it blocks direct vision. Planting of a type approved by <br /> the Planning Commission may also be required in addition to, or in lieu of, fencing. <br /> Subd. 12. Maintenance. In all districts, all structures, required landscaping and <br /> fences shall be maintained so as not to be unsightly or present hannful health or safety conditions. <br /> Subd. 13. Exterior Storage in "R" Districts. In all "R" Districts, all mobile materials <br /> and equipment shall be stored within a building or fully screened so as not to be visible from <br /> adjoining properties, except boats and unoccupied trailers less than 20 feet in length, which are not <br /> stored for commercial purposes, if stored to the rear of the house and a distance of 10 feet or more <br /> from any property line. <br /> Source: Ordinance No. 172 <br /> Effective Date: 1-1-7� <br /> ORONO CC 378 (4-1-84) <br />