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a <br /> � DEMOLITION PERMIT#2012-00766 <br /> ESCROW AGREEMENT <br /> AGREEMENT made this_�_day of I,L� , 20�, by and between the CITY OF ORONO, a <br /> Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and K herine Fox Trust, Bill Fox Trustee ("Owners"). <br /> Recitals <br /> 1. An application for a demolition permit has been filed for one principal structure and two accessory <br /> structures located at 1095 Ferndale Road West ("Subject Property") legally described as A�I that part of Lot 9, North <br /> Shore Cottage Acres, Lake Minnetonka, lying Southeasterly of the Southeasterly lines of Registered Land Survey <br /> No.441 and Registered Land Survey No. 902, and lying Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of Registered Land <br /> Survey No, 1372, Hennepin County, Minnesota <br /> „A� <br /> 2. In conjunction with the demolition, erosion control measures are required as shown on attached Exhibit <br /> NOW,THEREOFRE,THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: <br /> 1. DEPOSIT OF ESCROW FUNDS. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Escrow Agreement, <br /> the Owners shall deposit$2,000 with the City. All accrued interest, if any, shall be paid to the City to reimburse the City <br /> for its cost in administering the escrow account. <br /> 2. PURPOSE OF ESCROW. The purpose of the escrow is to guarantee reimbursement to the City for all <br /> out-of-pocket costs (including planning, engineering, or legal consultant review) the City has incurred to assure that the <br /> erosion control measures are installed and maintained so the property complies with the provisions of Orono City Code <br /> Chapter 79. The financial security may also be used by the City to eliminate any hazardous conditions associated with <br /> the work and to repair any damage to public property or infrastructure that is caused by the work. If compliance with <br /> the approved Land Disturbance Permit is not accomplished within the aliowable time period, the City may bring the <br /> project into compliance by use of the security. <br /> 3. RIGHT OF ENTRY. The Owners hereby grant the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors <br /> the right to enter the property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with the <br /> required erosion control measures, including but not limited to constructing or completing any and all of the agreed upon <br /> improvements should the Owners' contractor not complete those improvements by the date specified herein. <br /> 3. MONTHLY BILLING. As the City receives consultant bills for incurred costs, the City will in turn send <br /> a bill to the Owners. Owners shall be responsible for payment to the City within 30 days of the Owners' receipt of bill. <br /> 4. DISBURSEMENT FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT. In the event that the Owners do not make payment <br /> to the City within the timeframe outfined in #3 above, shall issue a Stop Work Order until the Owners pay all expenses <br /> invoiced pursuant to #3. The City may draw from the escrow account without further approval of the Owners to <br /> reimburse the City for eligible expenses the City has incurred. <br /> 5. CLOSING ESCROW. Any remaining amount of the financial security deposited with the City for <br /> faithful pertormance of the plans and specifications and any related remedial work will be released after the completion <br /> and inspection of all such measures and the establishment of final stabilization for the Subject Property. <br /> 6. CERTIFY UNPAID CHARGES. If the project is abandoned by Owners, or if the eligible expenses <br /> incurred by the City exceed the amount in escrow, the City shall have the right to certify the unpaid balance to the <br /> subj rop pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§415.01 and 366.012. <br /> � <br /> CITY OF��QLIlV9---' O, WNERS: <br /> , <br /> By. C--� � � ��� �--_ � �.��/ l��;� <br /> its: � -�� � ' ,�- <br /> Internal Use Only: 0 Original to Finance Department �Copy to Street File <br />