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' ' , i <br /> ���� <br /> �ITY OF QRONQ <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� G� � � G3 <br /> `�KFSHp��" <br /> No. <br /> 2,506 square feet of hardcover within the 0-75' setback from the lake where 0% is allowed and <br /> 0% within the 0-75' setback from the lagoon where 0% is allowed, and 9,270 square feet total <br /> (16.7%) for the site where 25% is normally allowed in order to construct the proposed residence; <br /> and a conditional use permit pursuant to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-966 to allow <br /> gading and filling within the 0-75' zone and within the 100-year floodplain in order to mitigate <br /> for a building pad location outside of the 100-year floodplain for the construction of the new <br /> home, subject to the following conditions: <br /> l. Council approval is based on the site plan submitted by the applicant and annotated by <br /> City staff, attached to this Resolution as E�ibit A. Any amendments to the site plan <br /> which are not in conformity with City codes will require further Planning Commission <br /> and City Council review. <br /> 2. Hardcover in the 0-75' zone from the lake shall not increase above the level of 2,506 s.f. <br /> or within the 0-75' zones. Hardcover on the propetty shall be limited to 9,270 s.f. or <br /> 16.7% per the proposed plan and hardcover allowance summary as depicted on E�ibit <br /> A. Applicant is advised that any future requests to increase hardcover or change the <br /> nature of existing/approved hardcover shall require City approval, and increases in <br /> hardcover will not likely be approved without concurrent reduction in existing hardcover. <br /> 3. Native plantings shall be incorporated into the plans as proposed on the 10/O1/09 survey <br /> by Gronberg and Associates. The plans shall be planted in accordance with the City <br /> Engineer's recommendations outlined within the 10/12/09 comment letter. <br /> 4. ADDITIONAL SURVEYS REQUIRED: <br /> a. Per City Code Section 86-68, a foundation survey is required to be submitted <br /> prior to commencement of framing; and <br /> b. An as-built grading plan verifying compliance with the building permit, storm <br /> water management, gading and drainage plans shall be submitted prior to the <br /> issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the residence. <br /> 5. The building plans submitted for building permit will be reviewed to ensure compliance <br /> with the City's building height and number of stories regulations. <br /> 6. Due to the proximity of the proposed home to the lake, a natural color palette consisting <br /> of darker colors shall be used for the home's exterior in order to minimize the visibility of <br /> the home from the lake. <br /> 7. Council approval of the conditional use permit is based on the grading and floodplain <br /> Page4of6 <br />