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�t�� � � � <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> That part o�Lot i; Fagerness including accretions thereto and tha� part of Lot 26, Fagerness includin� <br /> accretions thereto all Cescribed as follows: <br /> Commlencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 2, Fage�ess; thence Southeasterly 50 feet alon� the <br /> extension of the Southwesterly Iine of said Lot 2, thence defiectinj to *�e iiaht 6� deb ees 46 minutes a <br /> distar_ce of%7,66 fee: to the actual point of beginnina; said las? described ?ine hereinafter to be referred to as <br /> Line "A"; tnence defiectir_Q to the left 90 de�ees to the shore of Lake Muuleton.ka; thence Northe;ly along <br /> said shore to its intersection with the Southe,aster?y eYtension or the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2; t�'�ence <br /> , I�Torthwesterly along said eltension and alon� said Southwesterly line to a point thereon distant 65 feet <br /> - North�uesterly from the most Southerly corner of said Lot 2; thence Westerly deflecting to the left 24 deQrees <br /> _ �'.to the shore of Lake Minnetonl:a; thence Southerly alonQ said shore to its intersection with a line drawn y <br /> Westeriy at a ri�ht an�le to said lu7e "A" fi�oin the actval point of beginnin�; thence East to the actual point or <br /> ;b eginnin a. <br /> Subject to an easement for ingress and egress ior the benefit of t:�e owner of that part of Lots 1 and 26 which <br /> adjoin above land on the South over that portion of above land described as follows: <br /> That part oz Lot 1 includinQ accretions thereto, Fagerness described as cornmencing at the most Southerly <br /> comer of Lot 2, Fa�erness; thence Southeasterly along the extension of the Southwesterly Iine of said Lot 2, a <br /> distance of 50 feet to tne act�ial point of beginning; thence Southerly deflecting to �'�e riQht 65 degrees 46 <br /> minutes, a distance of 7%.66 feet; thence deflecting to the lef� 90 de�rees to the shore of Lalc� Minnetonlca; <br /> thence.Northerly along said shore to its intersection with the Southeasterly extension of the Southwesterly Iir.e <br /> of said Lot 2; tt;ence Nortnwesterly to the actl.ial p�int ef be�;sinin�; <br /> Suoject to �oveznmental and sovereign rights of the State of Minnesota in that par� of said land lyin�be�ween <br /> the ordinary high water mark and the ordinary low water mark of said Lal<e Miruietonka; <br /> Toaether with an easement for ingress and e�ress across the following described tract of land; <br /> ,Tnat part of Under the Linden Avenue vacated includir!a accretions thereto described as beginnin� at the most <br /> Easterly corner of Lot 2, Fagerness; thence Southerly to a point in the extension of the Southv,�esterly line of <br /> said Lot 2, distant �0 feet Southeasterly from the most Southerly corner of said Lot 2; thence Southeasterly <br /> alona said extension a distance of 15 feet; thence Northerly to a point in ftie Southeasterly extension oi the <br /> Northeasterly Iine of said Lot 2 distant 15 feet Southeasterly frorn point of beginning; thence Northwesterly <br /> to said point of�beaiT1I11I1Q as shown in deed Docurnent No, 772606; Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br />