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:„ ,� � r, <br /> ZONING FILE NO. EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. <br /> Lot 3, Fagerness; and the accretions to said loi lying between the Northwesterly extensions <br /> to the shore line of Lake Minnetonka of the Northeasterly line and the Southwesterly line of said <br /> lot, and the accretions to said lot lying between the Southeasterly extensions to the shore line <br /> h of Lake Minnetonka of the Northeasterly fine and of the Southwesterly line of said lot and South- <br /> �� easterly of the Southeasterly line of Under the I_inden Avenue, as dedicated in said plat, which <br /> Southeasterly line is 40 fee# Southeas;er!y, as measured at right angles, from the Southeasterly <br /> iine of said lot. <br /> This survey shows the boundaries and topography of the above described property, and the <br /> location of an existing house and garage thereon, and the location of several retaining walls, and <br /> the proposed location of a proposed house thereon. It does not purport to show any other improve_ <br /> ments or encroachments. <br />