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EXHIBIT A 6 b 4 4 <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY <br />Property Description per Warranty Deed, Doc. No. A9453415 <br />That part of the West 208 feet of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, T 118 N., Range 23 West <br />of the 5h principal meridian lying Southerly of the centerline of County Road No. 6 as contained <br />in Doc. No. 4190220, subject to an easement for common roadway purposes over the east 25 feet <br />which lies North of the South 350 feet of said Southeast Quarter and together with an easement <br />over the westerly 25 feet lying North of the South 350 feet of that part of the East 270.5 feet of <br />the west 478.5 feet of said Southeast Quarter of Section 29, according to the United States <br />government Survey thereof on file or of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for <br />Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br />