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6644 <br />e i <br />i gy: <br />UNIVERSITY Septic S}�sleur ManagementPali� <br />For- Holding Tank Systems <br />OF MINNESOTA <br />Professional Management Tasks <br />These are the operation and maintenance activities that a pumperfmalhtoiner performs to help ensure <br />long -terra performance of your system. Professionals should xPfer to the 0/M IVlanuaI for cletalled <br />checklists for tanks, pumps, alarms and other components. Call 800-822-8642 far more details. <br />a Written record provided to homeowner after each visit. <br />Plumbing/Source of Wastewater <br />Review the Water Use Appliance Chart on Page 5 with homeowner. Discuss any changes in <br />water use and the impact those changes may have on the frequency of maintenance. <br />a Review and document water usage rates with homeowner. <br />Holding Tanks <br />a Maintenance hole lid. A riser is recommended if the lid is not accessible from the ground <br />surface. Insulate the riser cover for frost protection. <br />D Liquid level. Check to make sure the tank is not leaking. <br />a Inspection pipes. Replace damaged caps. <br />a Alarm. Verify that the alarm works and that there is at least 5%reser'Ve capacity. <br />o End of year seasonal property pumping. Remind homeowner of most frequent causes of tank <br />and building sewer freeze -ups. Ensure that there are no "micro -sources" of water such as a high <br />efficiency furnace or other dripping devices. Determine a logical winter water use plan that will <br />not result in need for emergency visit(s). <br />All other components — inspect as listed here: <br /># 3'836-4- <br />