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ORONO PRESERVE <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS UY THESE PRESENTS: That Estate Development Corporation, tee owner of the following de I I properly alivated In the City of Orono, Courcy of Harnapb, state <br />of Mlnneaob, to ww <br />The East Halt of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Ora3rlav of Saedan 3% Toxrship 11% Range 2% <br />Hennepin Comity, Minnesota. lying north of Parcel 18, Minnesota DeptiMnenl olTmrapmlation FdgM of <br />way Pled No. 27130 g ed se Doour m Number 7980601. <br />EXCEPT. The property convoyed to the City of Orono, described in Dommiam Numbers 4641882, <br />4642570 and 4644709. <br />An Abstract Propmiy, <br />Abstract Properly <br />Has onueed the same to be surveyed and platted as Orono Preserve and does hereby dedicate to the public iw pW6c use forevhrthe publicvrays and easemerds for drainage end WRY <br />purposes. <br />In wllnass whereof add Estate Oevebprrent Corporation has caused theca presents to be signed by Ile proper of hoar fl&_ day of . 211I_. <br />Signed: Estate Development Catporodon <br />by <br />Tam Gonyee, Presidam <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF <br />This Instrument was acknowledged before ma on this _ day of 201_ by • Estate Developrr unt Corporation, on befall of the <br />corporation. <br />Printed Name <br />Notary Public, County, Mimesota <br />My Commission Empires: <br />I Dennis S. Olmstead do hereby ceri6y that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Uchreetl Land Sunreyw In the Slate ct Milnesolm that ft is a <br />correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathemadcel data and labels ere correctly designated on this play that all hnenunerde depkled on this plat have been, or will be <br />Correctly set within one year thed all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined In Minnesota Statutes, Section SM01, Subd. B, as of the dela of this cerliticate are shoves and latalad on <br />this plat and all pubhc ways are shown and Wooled on this plat Dated #&_day of 201_ <br />Dennis B. Olmstead, Uoereed Lend Surveyor <br />Minnesota Ucenee No. 18425 <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN <br />This Instrument wes sclmowledged before me this _day of � 201 by Dennis & Olmstead. <br />Printed Name <br />Notary Public, county. Minnesota <br />My Commission Expires: <br />C.R. DOC. NO. <br />EXHIBIT B 6 <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />Sheet 1 of 2 <br />ORONO, MINNESOTA <br />This plat o1 ORONO PRESERVE was approved and el cepted by the City Council of Orono. Minnesota at a regular meeting hereof held alis _ day of . 207_ If <br />applicable. the wrIllen commams and rotommendatlone of the Commissioner of Transportation and the County Highway Engineer hews been revelved by tie CUy or the preavlbed 80 day <br />period has elapsed without recelpt & such commams and moommentlatioa, es provided by Mirma owe Wftras, SBCd, 5MM. Subd. 2. <br />City Clark <br />RESIDENT AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES <br />Hennepin County, Minnesota <br />I hereby eerOly that tares payable In 201_ and prior to years have been paid lar land described on this plat. Dated this_ day of_ 201_ <br />Mads Y. Chapin, County Auditor by . Deputy <br />sURVEYDM610N <br />Hennepin County, Minnesota <br />Pumumht to MINN. STAT. Seo, BWB.585 It 989), this plat las been approved this _ day of 201_. <br />Chde F. Marls, Cou ly Surveyor by <br />COUNTY RECORIIER <br />Hennepin County, Mlneescte <br />I hereby us" that the within plat at ORONO PRESERVE was recorded In Ilia oHloe thla_day of 201_at_ o'clock M. <br />Martin McCormick, County Reoordw by <br />Deputy <br />6 <br />ALLIANT <br />SHEET I OF 2 S ;E67S <br />