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Resolution 6632
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6600 - 6699 March 28, 2016 - November 28, 2016)
Resolution 6632
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/19/2019 12:59:30 PM
Creation date
8/1/2016 10:51:01 AM
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. �-o�o , <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUT'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��'l.� �,G`� N o. � 6 3 2 <br /> kESH�� <br /> 9) Is the proposed use not expected to substantially impair the use and <br /> enjoyment of the property in the area or have a materially adverse impact on <br /> the property values in the area when compared to the impairment or impact <br /> of generally permitted uses? This standard requires that the proposed <br /> grading and improvements must not substantially impair the use and <br /> enjoyment of the properties in the area or have an adverse impact on the <br /> property values in the area when compared to the impairment or impact <br /> of generally permitted uses. The result of the proposed land alterations <br /> to create a road will not change the intended residential use of the <br /> property so there should be no change in the use of adjacent properties <br /> resulting from the project, subject to mitigation of potential vehicle <br /> headlight impacts to the property across Homestead Trail from the road <br /> entrance. However, the activity of land alteration generally for <br /> construction of the road as well as future development of homes in <br /> Medina served by the road may have a temporary adverse impact on <br /> neighbors. Trucks hauling and equipment working on the site will likely <br /> result in additional noise, dust, vi6ration and traffic on the haul routes <br /> and immediate neighbors. To the degree possible, negative impacts <br /> should be limited and mitigated. <br /> 10) Will the proposed use be provided with screening and buffering adequate to <br /> mitigate undesirable views and activities likely to disturb surrounding uses? <br /> The location of the road access onto Homestead Trail may have negative <br /> impacts to a future dwelling on the property directly west across <br /> Homestead Trail caused by vehicle headlights, such that mitigation on <br /> that neighboring property by vegetative screening or other means may <br /> be desirable. <br /> 11) Will the proposed use create a nuisance which generates smoke, noise, glare, <br /> vibration, odors, fumes, dust, electrical interference, general unsightliness, or <br /> other means? See#9 above. <br /> 12) Will the proposed use cause excessive non-residential traffic on residential <br /> streets, parking needs that cause a demonstrable inconvenience to adjoining <br /> properties, traffic congestion, or unsafe access? The haul routes within <br /> Orono, if any, should be submitted and will be monitored for damage <br /> and debris. The applicant will be required to keep debris off of the <br /> public roadways. The portions of the land alteration project in Orono <br /> will evaluated by and monitored by the City Engineer and planning staff <br /> so as to minimize nuisances during the project. <br /> Page 5 of 9 <br />
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