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All that portion of the following described land lying West of a line drawn parallel <br /> with and distant 924.88 feet West of the East line of Government Lot 5, Section <br /> 35, Township 118, Range 23, measured at right angles thereto; All that part of <br /> Government Lots 4 and 5, Section 35, Township 118, Range 23, described as <br /> commencing at a point on the East line of said Government Lot 5, distant <br /> 1705.26 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof; thence West at right angles <br /> from said East line 594.88 feet to the point of beginning of the properly being <br /> described, said point being marked by a judicia) landmark; thence continuing <br /> West 270.02 feet more of less to a judicial landmark 864.90 feet West of the East <br /> line of said Government Lot 5; thence South parallel with said East line 49.54 <br /> feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees a distance of 294.5 feet; thence <br /> deflecting lef t 90 degrees a distance of 100.5 feet more or less to the South line <br /> of the North 1855.3 feet of said Government Lot 5; thence West along the South <br /> line of said North 1855.3 feet to the West line of said Government Lot 5; thence <br /> North along said West line 150 feet; thence West to the sf�ore of Long Lake; <br /> thence Northerly and Northeasterly along said shore to the West line of the East <br /> 594.88 feet of said Government Lot 5, said line being monumented by the judicial <br /> landmark at tl�e point of beginning of the property being described ond by a <br /> judicial landmark 545. 1 feet North of said point of beginning; thence South along <br /> said West line so monumented to the point of beginning. All of the said judicial <br /> landmarks above referred to having been placed in Torrens Case No. 8489, Files <br /> of Hennepin County District Court, according the United States Government <br /> Survey thereof, and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br /> r� <br /> � <br /> <:.� <br /> r <br />