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City of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 2539 <br />B) The applicants have revised their proposal to move the <br />proposed gateway and monuments further away from the neighboring <br />property lines, so that no setback variance is needed from the <br />west side lot line, and only a 10' setback variance is required <br />from the north lot line. Based on this relocation, there is no <br />conflict with the existing drainage and utility easement along <br />the west or north lot lines. <br />C) The proposed gateway structure will allow adequate width for <br />emergency vehicle access. <br />D) The applicants will provide a back-up turnaround apron within <br />the property boundaries, so that unwanted traffic does not have <br />to back up onto neighboring properties. <br />E) The hardships that support the variances include the need for <br />• security and limitation of traffic onto this private road serving <br />only two residences, the height variance being necessary to allow <br />construction of a structure of a size and scale to be a deterrent <br />in itself, the setback variance necessary to keep the structure <br />near enough to the entrance of the property to deter unwanted <br />traffic.from entering the property. <br />4. The City Council has considered this application including the <br />findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission, reports by <br />City staff, comments by the applicants and the effect of the proposed <br />variance on the health, safety and welfare of the community. <br />5. The City Council finds that the conditions existing on this <br />property are peculiar to it and do not apply generally to other <br />property in this zoning district; that granting the variances would <br />not adversely affect traffic conditions, light, air nor pose a fire <br />hazard or other danger to neighboring property; would not merely serve <br />as a convenience to the applicants, but is necessary to alleviate a <br />demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to preserve a <br />substantial property right of the applicants; and would be in keeping <br />with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan <br />of the City. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />Based upon one or more of the findings noted above, the Orono <br />4 ity Council hereby grants a variance per Municipal Zoning Code Section <br />0.03, Subdivision 9 (D) and Section 10.24, Subdivision 5 (B) to permit the <br />construction of an accessory structure gateway system located 20' from the <br />rear lot line where a 30' rear yard setback is normally required and grants <br />a variance to Section 10.03, Subdivision 14 (C) to allow such structure to <br />exceed the 3k' maximum height normally allowed for such structures within a <br />required rear yard setback area, subject to the following conditions: <br />PAae 2 of 4 <br />