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%-_ <br /> ,; � �11�'�, <br /> � o o��. <br /> � A� r�,� ,��; CITY of ORONO <br /> '�„� ���� ��rr' ��P� i �l4 '' Municipal Offices <br /> \ °'' '•� G <br /> �\� .�� ��'�� ¢.�y - Street Address: Mailing Address: <br /> . ������kESHO,_,: ' 2750 Kelley Parkway P.O. Box 66 <br /> Orono, MN 55356 Crystal Bay, MN 55323-0066 <br /> June 18, 2008 <br /> Kurt Teich <br /> 3593 Crystal Place <br /> Wayzata MN 55391 <br /> Dear Mr. Teich: <br /> I am writing to you in regards to the continuing complaints I receive concerning the <br /> exterior storage of miscellaneous items/junk on the property. I realize that some of what <br /> I request is going to seem minor but realize that the properties on Crystal Place are very <br /> small and exterior storage of"materials" is a constant issue for some neighbors. I noticed <br /> the last time I was out that your side entrance and steps have some items sitting on them <br /> and a pile of brush/branches in the rear yard. Please store or remove these items as <br /> appropriate. <br /> There also appeared to be garbage being burned in the burn barrel. If so please <br /> discontinue this practice. Finally, the white car parked near the property line is causing a <br /> great deal of stress and concern. The city does not have a require setback for the vehicle <br /> but if it could possibly be stored in the driveway proper, it would be much appreciated. <br /> In the future I feel many of these complaint calls and subsequent letters can be avoided if <br /> you are to keep in mind that being a rental property and in such a small neighborhood, <br /> that anything left outside or excess or inoperable vehicles are going to cause neighbors to <br /> complain. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to call with any <br /> questions. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> �'�� . <br /> c.�� <br /> Willie Gibbs <br /> Building Inspector <br /> Telephone(952)249-4600 • Fax(952)249-4616 <br /> <br />