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1 <br /> r O ♦O <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> tt G NO. 567 <br /> AkESHO�� <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Orono, Minnesota <br /> hereby approves the requested variances as described above based on one or more of the <br /> following findings of fact concerning this property: <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT: <br /> Al. The analysis contained within staff memos and the exhibits attached to the aforesaid <br /> memos, all minutes from the above mentioned meetings, and any and all other materials <br /> distributed at these meetings are hereby incorporated by reference. <br /> A2. The Property is located within the LR-IA Single Family Lakeshore Residential District <br /> which requires a minimum lot area of 2.0 acres and a minimum lot width of 200'. <br /> Detached garages are a permitted use in the LR-1A District. <br /> A3. The Property is 5,562 s.f. in area and 56.5 feet in defined width. <br /> A4. In considering this application for variances, the Council has considered the advice and <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed variances <br /> upon the health, safety and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic <br /> conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the effect on values <br /> of property in the surrounding area. <br /> A5. The Applicants propose to remove certain items of existing hardcover including paver <br /> bricks, concrete borders, an old concrete garage slab, and portions of driveway, resulting <br /> in a hardcover decrease from 61% to 48.9%. The proposed hardcover to remain or be <br /> reconstructed includes the house, deck, steps, the new garage, a narrowed driveway, and <br /> some selected areas of landscaping materials. There are few ways to further reduce <br /> hardcover on the site without removing the rear deck or attempting to relocate the garage <br /> as an attached structure, which would likely be only 1 stall at best if moved forward, <br /> would require remodeling the east side of the house, and would potentially still need a <br /> side setback variance. Applicant has provided estimates showing the cost difference <br /> between the proposed detached garage and an attached garage. <br /> A6. The proposed garage will be 19.5 feet from the creek bank and 929.4' lakeshore contour, <br /> approximately 9 feet further from the creek than the detached garage that previously <br /> existed on the Property. Photos in City files document an event when the creek had <br /> flooded the rear of the prior garage at an elevation around 932 . The new garage will be <br /> located with its floor at 933.5' and would not be expected to flood. <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br />