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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 6 0 , <br />A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION <br />FOR THE ORONO GOLF COURSE <br />WHEREAS, The City of Orono is generally authorized to accept donations of real and <br />personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens, <br />and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational services <br />pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and <br />WHEREAS, Janie Delaney, Susan Schwalbach, Katherine Barnes, and Rick Jostrom <br />wish to make a donation of $423.50 to the City, and <br />WHEREAS, the donation has been contributed to purchase a bench for the Orono Public <br />Golf Course; and <br />WHEREAS, The City Council finds that it is appropriate to accept the offered donation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of Orono, Minnesota <br />that the City acknowledges and accepts the donation from Janie Delaney, Susan Schwalbach, <br />Katherine Barnes, and Rick Jostrom for the purchase of a bench for the Orono Public Golf <br />Course. <br />ADOPTED this 11th day of April 2016, by the City Council of the City of Orono, <br />Minnesota. <br />ATTEST: <br />4e4CIerk <br />Tiegs, <br />&164�--- <br />Lili Tod McMillan, Mayor <br />