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EX�IIBIT A Resolution <br /> Exhibit A <br /> Resolntion No. <br /> 6 6 � �J <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTIO�T <br /> The following properiy within Hennepin County,Minnesota: <br /> The 1�'orth 152 feet of that part of the Southeast Qusrter of the Soutbwest Quarter of Se�kion 27, <br /> Township 118 North,Range 23 West of the Sth Principal Meridian,d�escnbed as follows: <br /> Be�nn�ng at a point on the East line of said Southeast Quart�r of#he Southwest Quarter distant <br /> 35 .74 5 feet Nor�of the Southeast carner of said Southeast Quart,�r of the Southwest Quart�r; <br /> thence North along said East line 635.25 feet;thence Westparallel with the South line of s�id <br /> Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quartea a distance of 990 f�et;thence South para11e1 with <br /> said East hne 635.25 feet;thence East to the point of beginning. <br />