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Resolution 6604
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6600 - 6699 March 28, 2016 - November 28, 2016)
Resolution 6604
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/2/2018 1:46:09 PM
Creation date
6/9/2016 9:56:12 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 d <br />A2. The Property is located within the LR -1C Single Family Lakeshore Residential District <br />which requires a minimum lot area of 0.5 acres (21,780 s.f.) and a minimum lot width of <br />100' for construction of a single family residence. <br />A3. The Property is 6,715 s.f. (0.15 acres) in area and 50 feet in defined width, and contains <br />an existing single family residence. The property is considered as legally nonconforming <br />with regard to lot area and lot width. <br />A4. The property is located within Storm Water Overlay District Tier 3 which allows 35% <br />hardcover for conforming lots. In order for a nonconforming lot to qualify for avoidance <br />of the need for area and width variances for redevelopment, the lot would be limited to <br />25% hardcover. <br />A5. The applicant is proposing to remove the existing residence structure and replace it with a <br />new residence. When applying for the demolition and building permits, applicant was <br />advised that either hardcover would be limited to 25%, or a lot area & width variance <br />application would be required in order to increase that to 35%. Applicant determined that <br />keeping to the 25% limitation would severely restrict the driveway, decks, sidewalks, and <br />potential other amenities desired, hence this application. Setback, height and structural <br />coverage limits will be met; hardcover is proposed at 28.1% where 35% would be <br />allowed if the variances are granted. <br />A6. The Navarre Heights neighborhood consists of single family homes located on Lyric <br />Avenue, Livingston Avenue and Crystal Place, between Shadywood Road and Blaine <br />Avenue. In this neighborhood, 42 homes are on single lots virtually identical in size and <br />shape to the applicant's lot; 22 homes are on double lots; 5 homes are on triple lots; and <br />one home is on a combination of 4 lots. <br />AT The applicant's property has contained a single family residence for many decades. The <br />ability to rebuild on the property in the same manner as other existing developed <br />properties in the immediate neighborhood would be limited if the area and width <br />variances are not granted. The applicant's proposed site plan indicates all required LR - <br />1C setbacks will be met, and the proposed house is well under the 1500 s.f. structural <br />coverage allowance for lots less than 10,000 s.f. in area. <br />A8. The property abuts the City's Navarre playground, which is partially screened from this <br />property by a row of arbor vitae along the west line of the park. Additionally, applicant's <br />property contains two mature oak trees (30" and 36") which provide afternoon shade to <br />the park. While it is hoped that one or both of these trees can be preserved during the <br />demolition/rebuild process, neither tree is specifically protected under City ordinances. <br />A9. In considering this application for variances, the Council has considered the advice and <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed variances <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />
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