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Resolution 5873
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5800 - 5899 (June 22, 2009 - January 11, 2010)
Resolution 5873
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ZONING FtLE NO. 09-3422 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. , � � � "k <br /> -, <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES SURVEYED: <br /> That part of Lot 1, Bic,ck 2, Townsite of Langdon Park including portion of Northern Avenue now <br /> vacated, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of <br /> the right-of-way c�f thF: Grsat Nerthe�n Ra:l���ay C�mpany with.the v��therly� exte�si.�n of the <br /> dividing line between Lots 1 and 2 in said Block 2, Townsite of Langdon Park; thence <br /> Northwesterly along the dividing line between said Lots 1 and 2 and same extended, a distance <br /> of 213.14 feet; thenc�: Northeasterly deflecting right at an angle of 82 degrees 55 minutes from <br /> last described course a distance of 240 feet; thence continuing Northeasterly deflecting right at an <br /> angle of 12 degrees 12 minutes from fast-described course a distance of 60 feet to the actual <br /> point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence continuing from said actual point of <br /> beginning Northeast�rly on the extension of said last-described line a distance of 44.5 feet to <br /> concrete monument meander corner; thence continuing Northeasterly a distance of 36 feet ta a <br /> point in the centerline of platted street now vacated which abuts upon the Easterly line of said Lot <br /> 1 and which point is 281.35 feet North of the intersection of the centerfine of said vacated street <br /> with the Northerly line of the right-of-way of the Great No�thern Railway Company; thence <br /> Southerly along the centerline of said vacated street to a point in the Northerly line of said right- <br /> of-way which is 210.F�feet distance from the initial point of commencement measured along the <br /> Northerly line of said right-of-way;thence Southwesteriy along the Northerly line if said right-af- <br /> way a distance of 35.8 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 268.6 feet to the actual point of <br /> beginning of the tract of land described; excepting, however the easterly 7.5 feet thereof; also <br /> including all that part of said Lot 1 lying between the Northwesteriy and Northerty lines of the <br /> premises hereinbefore described and the shore of Lake Minnetonka, and between the Northerly <br /> extension of the Easterty and Southwesterly side lines of the premises hereinbefore first <br /> described, together with all riparian rights, accretions and relictions appurtenant thereto, <br /> according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for <br /> said county, <br /> That part of Lot 1, Block 2, Townsite of Langdon Park including portion of Northern Avenue, now <br /> vacated, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of <br /> the right-of-way of the Great Northern Railway Company with the Southerly extension of the <br /> dividing line between Lots 1 and 2 in said Block 2, Townsite of Langdon Park; thence <br /> Northwesterly along the dividing line between Lots 1 and 2 and the same extended, a distance of <br /> 213.14 f�et; thence Rortheasterly deflecting right at an angle of 82 degrees 55 minutes from East <br /> described course a d�stance of 240 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be <br /> described; �hence Northeasterly deflecting right at an angle of 12 degrees 12 minutes from last <br /> described course a d�stance of 60 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 268.6 feet to a point in <br /> the Northerly iine of said right-of-way of the Great Northern Railway Company, which point is 175 <br /> feet Northeasterly me�asured along the Northerly line of said railway right-of-way from the initial <br /> point of commencement; thence Southwesterly along said Northerly right-of-way line 35 feet; <br /> thence Northweste�ly in a straight line 2632 feet to the actual point of beginning; also including all <br /> that part of Lot 1 in s�iid Block 2 lying between the Northwesterly line of the premises hereina,bove <br /> described and the shore of Lake Minnetonka, and between the Northerly extension of the <br /> Northeasterly and Southwesterly side lines of the premises hereinabove first described, <br /> Together with all ripaE�ian rights, accretions and refictions appurtenant to the above-described <br /> tract of land; <br /> That part of Tract C I}�ing Southwesterly of a line drawn from a point in the Westerly line of said <br /> Tract C, 44 feet Nortt-� of the Southeriy corner of Tract C, to a point in the Southeasterly line of <br /> said Tract C, 42 feet I�ortheasterly of the Southerly corner of Tract C, Registered Land Survey <br /> on. 429, Files of Registrar of Titles, County of Hennepin. <br />
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