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� <br /> � Exhibit A <br /> Resolution #2289 <br /> , : <br /> � <br /> DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYEU (as provided) <br /> The West 10 acres of that part of the East l/2 of the. SE 1/4 of Section 31- <br /> 11�-23, 4lI11CI1 lies South and Southwesterly of the centerline of the South <br /> VJatertown ftoad, so called, and North of the right-of-way of the Eleci:r�ic <br /> f Short Line Railway Company described in deed to said Company recorded in <br />+ Book 751 of Deeds, page 404, and East of the West 35 rods of the East 1/2 <br /> of the SE 1/4 of said Section 31 <br /> 'EXCEPT: <br />; . <br /> Ti�at part of tl�e Soutl�east One-Quartei° (SE 1/4) of Section 3"l , Townsl�ip 11$, <br /> Range 23 described as follows: Commencing at a point in the centerline of <br /> the South Watertown Road, said point being the Northeast corner of the West <br /> � 10 acres of �Liiat part of tl�e East One-lialf (E 1/2) of tl�e Soutf�east Une- <br /> Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 31 , Township 118, Range 23 ���hich lies South and <br /> Southwester-ly of the centerlir�e of the South Watertown Road, so called, and <br /> North of tl�e rigl�t-of-way of tl�e Electric Si�ort Line Rai lway Company descrit�ed <br /> in deed to said Company recorded in Book 751 of Deeds, page 404, and East <br /> of the West 35 rods of the East One-Half (E 1/2) of the Southeast One-Quarter <br /> (SES 1/4) of said Section 31 ; tl�ence Nortl�westerly along said centerline <br /> a distance of five (5) rods; tiience Soutl� parallel witf� the East line of <br /> said ten-acre tract to a point in a line running Westerly at right angles <br /> from said East line at a point distant t���enty-four (24) rods SouLh from the <br /> . point of beginning; thence East along said right angle line to the East line <br /> � of saicl ten-acre tract; thence North twenty-four (24) .rods to. the point of <br /> •. ::�e9inning. . . . <br /> � . <br /> � <br />