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PC Minutes 1994
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PC Minutes 1994
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• MINUTES OF THE ORONO PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION <br />WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1994 <br />ROLL <br />The Orono Planning Commission met on the above date with the following members present: <br />Vice -Chair Stephen Peterson, Janice Berg, Charles Nolan, Jr., Sandy Smith and Candace <br />Rowlette. Councilmember Gabriel Jabbour was present representing Council. City staff was <br />represented by Building & Zoning Administrator Jeanne Mabusth, Assistant Planning & Zoning <br />Administrator Michael Gaffron and Recorder Carole Haseman. Members of the public present <br />were Todd Nelson representing Minnetonka Boat Works; Rich Anderson representing Sailors <br />World and North Shore Drive Marinas; Jim Dunn representing Lakeside Marina; Dan Crear, <br />1980 Spates Avenue; Camilo Castellon, 1950 Shoreline Drive; Beverly Blomberg, 3180 North <br />Shore Drive; and Lee Fischback, 3135 North Shore Drive. The meeting was called to order at <br />5:13 p.m. <br />Peterson welcomed members of the public and began the meeting by stating the intention of the <br />work session is to continue to review and discuss the B -2 Code, specific topics for this session <br />including parking, restaurants, fishing tournaments, commercial dock locations and lake <br />maintenance operations. <br />Gaffron presented a brief review from previous discussions of permitted, accessory and <br />. conditional uses. Accessory uses must have a permitted use before there can be an accessory <br />use. Conditional uses can stand alone but require special Council approval. Permitted uses must <br />be able to individually stand alone as a marina use and include rental slips, sales of boats, <br />motors, trailers and marine accessories, repair and servicing of boats, on -land storage of boats <br />in summer and winter, marine fuel sales, and bait and fishing tackle sales. Several accessory <br />uses not currently allowed in the B -2 have been discussed at last month's work session and <br />concluded by the Planning Commission to be inappropriate for B -2. These include ice skating <br />rinks, tobagonning, Christmas tree sales, parasailing and automobile winter access. Accessory <br />uses considered by Planning Commission to be appropriate in the B -2 so far include signs, head <br />pump out for boats, sale of prepackaged foods, dive shop, club house for slip customers to use, <br />sailing schools, rental boats, one caretaker dwelling unit for security purposes, sailboard <br />sales /rental, ice fishing tackle sales but not ice fishing houses or equipment for sales /rental, and <br />ice boats. Accessory uses left for further discussion were fishing tournaments, cross country <br />ski sales /rental and snowmobile operations. Most of the conditional uses were left for further <br />discussion except for cigarette sales, sale of 3.2 beer and transient boat launching which remain <br />as reasonable uses. Additional information is needed before any discussion can be done <br />regarding the conditional uses for boat clubs, on- demand launch of customer's boat stored on- <br />site, charter boats, lake structure maintenance operation base and restaurants. <br />is <br />Gaffron noted that parking and landscape uses and performance standards need to be addressed <br />at this time. Under Subd. 8 Parking Requirements, it is suggested that parking areas "need not <br />1 <br />
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