• oor06/2011 10 :47 IF,4n � EFAr; G�01�/0�1
<br /> Aug, 6. 2011 1i , 34�'M GabriEl =1 �ar�� ; a'��: Group No, OS�G �, 5i10
<br /> '..-a: � «�
<br /> : , ��• �
<br /> g���� VAGAt�iT �ANt3 PiJRCHASE AGRE�MEtJT
<br /> C9BURNEZcom 77, Page 3 Date�����(
<br /> � �
<br /> 78. Properly lo�atsd at � �� � y� � �� �
<br /> 79, Seller shal!pay on the date of�losing all real estata ta>;es due and payable in ali prior ysars incfudinc�ali penaltias and
<br /> 80. interest.
<br /> B1. �] BUY�R SFlALL PAY �SELL�R SHAI�L PAY pn dat2 of Closing any de`erred real estat2 tax�s
<br /> ------.........�..---•.-...Chack one.
<br /> }--.......--------,..--•---
<br /> 82. (e.g.Green Acres) or special assessments,payment of which is required as a result of the clo;ing of this sale.
<br /> ----......----------.._......�__...�_...........�..---....._---•--(Che�one.)'----------.........---------•-...._.....-------.-....��------_..._.
<br /> 8�. DAi� QF CLOSING all installments of special assessments certifie�J for payment,with the real estate taxes due and
<br /> 85. payabie in the year or closing.
<br /> $6. ❑ �UY�R SHq�L ASSUME�S�LLrR SHALL PAY on date of closing all othet special assessments levi�d as
<br /> -......---------.-,-.....�-(Cncck ons.}-
<br /> ----..-,.....�--------
<br /> $7, of the date oP tt�is Purchase Agreemsnt.
<br /> 88. ❑BUY�R SHALL ASSUM�(�ScLLFR SHALL.PR�VfD� FDR PAYMENT OF special assessrnents pending as
<br /> ------.,.....��.-._.............-•----(Chock one.}---�,..._.._-----........-----------
<br /> 89. of the date of this Purchase Agreement for improv�ments that have been ordered by any asses�ing autharities.
<br /> 9Q. (Seller's provision for payment shall be by paymeni into escrow of two (2) tlmes the estimated amaunt of the
<br /> 91. assessments or less, as requlrad by Buyer's lender.)
<br /> 92. Buyer shall pay any unpaid special assessments payable in the year following closing and thereafter,the payment of
<br /> 93. which is not otherwise herein provided.
<br /> 94. As of the date of this Purchase Agreemer�t, Seiler represents that Seller�HAS ❑ HAS NO7 recaived a notice
<br /> --•--(Check onr,_�•---..--
<br /> 95. regarding any new(mprovement project from any a�sessing au�horities,the,costs of which prdject may be assessed
<br /> 96_ against the property. Any such notice recaived by Salier aKer the daie of this Purchase Agreement and before
<br /> 97. closinc�sha!!be provided io Buyer immediately.If Such notice is issued after the date of this Purchase Agreemant and
<br /> 98, on or before the date pf closing,then the parties may agrea in writing, on or before the date of closing,to pay, provida
<br /> 99_ for the paymenx of or assume tha speciaf assessments.In the absence of such agreement, either party may declare
<br /> 100. this Purchase Agreement canceled by written notice to the other party,or licensee representing or assisiing the other
<br /> 10�1. pariy,in which case this Purchase Agreement is canceled.If either parry declares this Purchase Agreement canceled,
<br /> 102. Buyer and Seller shali immediately sign � Gancellafion af Purchase Agreemant confirrning saici cancellation snd
<br /> 1�3, direct�ng all earnest money paid hereunder to be refunded to 8uyer.
<br /> 104. Buyer shali pay � PRORAT�ti FFtOM DAY OF CLpSiNG ❑ 12ths OF ❑ ALL � NO real estate
<br /> ---------••_•-•---�-----_..._�-- (Gheckone.
<br /> ........-----•--�....
<br /> �05. taxes due and payable in the year 20�.,.�, .
<br /> iD6. 5eifer Shall pay;,�PRD}�ATED TQ pAY OF CLOSING p , „ 12ths OF � ALL [� NQ real estate taxes
<br /> -----------........------......•�---fCntlCk one.
<br /> r-------_._._......_-------------,,......�----
<br /> 107. due and payable in the year 20�_,If the ciosing date is changed,the rea!estate taxes paid shall, if prora.ted,
<br /> 1 D8. be adjusied to the new closing date.
<br /> 1�9. Buyer snall pay real estata taxes due and payable in the year foUowing closing and thereafter,the payment of which
<br /> 110, is not otherwise herein prqvided. No representations are made concerning the amount of subsequent real e;tate
<br /> 17 T. taxes.
<br /> 112. POSS�SSION: Selfer sh�ll deliver pqssession af the prvperty nq I�ter than � -�� �afier closing.
<br /> 113. Seffar agrees to remova ALL pE6Rl5 AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY NpT INCLUDED HEREIN from the prop�rty
<br /> 114. by possession date.
<br /> 115. PROI�ATIONS;All interest; unit owners'assooiation dues;rents;and char�es for city w�ier,city sewer, electricity and
<br /> 116. natural gas shail be prorated between ths parties as of date of closing_suyer shsil pay Seller for remaining galions of
<br /> 1'!7, fuel oil or liquid petroleum gas on the day of ciosing, at the rate of the last fill by Sellsr.
<br /> Mn:vLPA-3(8/l i) CBR1o77(8/11) Operated By 6urnef Realty LLC L=] �
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