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Resolution 6595
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6595
Entry Properties
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6/18/2019 2:23:26 PM
Creation date
3/17/2016 9:15:16 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. <br />6595 <br />A6. The addition to the building under the revised proposal expands its footprint to <br />approximately 22.1' x 42.5' or 939 s.f, making it subject to a minimum side setback of <br />15'. Because there is an additional existing 819 s.f detached garage on the property, the <br />added covered deck will bring the total accessory structure square footage for the <br />property to 1,758 s.f, within the 2,000 s.f combined accessory structure limit for this <br />size property. <br />AT The property is technically a `through lot' because it has frontage on Spates Avenue and <br />backs up to undeveloped Grand Avenue, requiring accessory structures to meet principal <br />structure setbacks. Also, the addition constitutes expansion of a non -conforming <br />structure and does not meet the zoning code criteria for such an expansion. <br />A8. The location of the existing accessory building is nearer the street than most other <br />principal buildings in the immediate neighborhood. Additionally, its distance from and <br />somewhat lack of a visual connection to the principal residence it serves, makes it unique. <br />The addition to the building will maintain its decades -old character as a fixture in the <br />Crystal Bay neighborhood. The structure is not the primary garage serving the residence, <br />and expanding it to the rear with a covered porch should have no perceived impact on <br />traffic or safety in the neighborhood. <br />A9. Extending the covered deck northward at the same 4 -foot side setback as the existing <br />structure is not strictly in keeping with the Zoning Code requirements for expansion of an <br />existing non -conforming structure. The 4 -foot setback coupled with the proposed 1.5 - <br />foot overhangs results in an additional 10 feet of eave dripline less than 3 feet from the <br />neighboring property to the west. From a practical standpoint, it would be appropriate to <br />require gutters so that runoff can be directed away from the adjoining property. The <br />visual impact of the minimal side setback will primarily be to the immediately adjacent <br />property owner to the west. That adjacent owner has not objected to the addition. <br />A10. The existing building is considered as a lawful non -conforming residential accessory <br />building, and per Zoning Code Section 78-71(c)(3)b may be expanded only if the <br />expansions comply with all height, setback, and hardcover and lot coverage requirements <br />of the zoning district. The setback requirements cannot be met, resulting in this variance <br />request. Because the existing structure encroaches upon the lot line setback, the Code <br />intends that as part of the expansion the existing structure be modified so that it becomes <br />completely conforming with respect to setbacks. Again, this is not feasible unless the <br />entire structure is relocated to some other location on the property. <br />A11. The exis`dng accessory building was administratively approved for installation of a toilet <br />and sink in 2010 and the owners executed the required covenants limiting the uses of the <br />building. An aspect of that approval was installation of a sewage ejector system directly <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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