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Resolution 5678
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5678
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MINUTES OF THE 5 6 7 2 <br />ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />Monday, October 8, 2007 <br />(9. #07-3316 MARK ASHTON WITH JOHN TERRANCE HOMES, LLC, ON BEHALF OF <br />MITCH COOK OF CENTRAL BANKAND LARRYPALM OFLGL REAL ESTATE <br />INVESTMENTS — STONEBAY OUTLOT A, Continued) <br />Curtis stated the City's engineers have reviewed the plans and they were satisfied with the amount of <br />stacking anticipated based on the applicants' numbers. <br />Kellogg stated they did have a concern that the drive-through would not be adequate if this was a <br />different type of bank or other retail use and that they have taken the applicants' word on the amount of <br />traffic through the drive-through. <br />White commented this appears to be probably the best plan that he has seen for this site to date and that <br />the buildings are distinctive and impressive. <br />Rahn inquired whether the applicants are okay with the comments of the city engineer and the fire <br />marshal. <br />Mohagen stated they are. <br />Murphy moved, McMillan seconded, Application #07-3316, Mark Ashton with John Terrance <br />Homes, LLC, to direct Staff to prepare a Preliminary Plat Resolution and Resolution Granting <br />General Concept Plan approval for adoption at the October 22"a Council meeting. VOTE: Ayes <br />4, Nays 0. <br />*10. #07-3318 ANDERS HOLM ON BEHALF OF STEPHEN H. OTTO, 2185 WATERTOWN <br />ROAD — VARIANCE — RESOLUTION NO. 5678 <br />M rghy moved; McMillansggonded. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 5678, a Resolution Granting a <br />Variance for the Property Located at 2185 Watertown Road. VOTE: Ayes 4, Nays 0. <br />MAYOR/COUNCIL REPORT <br />Murphy stated there will be a meeting with Mn/DOT concerning the roundabout and that they would <br />like Mn/DOT to relocate the line of takeover from behind the intersection to the county, which in the <br />City's opinion will help facilitate the construction of the roundabout. Murphy noted Mn/DOT has not <br />responded on whether there will be any stacking on the ramps during rush hour. <br />White stated he did view the roundabout that has been constructed near Cottage Grove and that the <br />roundabout is a great concept in certain situations. <br />McMillan commented the citizen's police academy is going well and that they learned about traffic <br />stops at the last session. <br />White commented the City's policies should be clear on what would occur in the event of a major <br />emergency and that the City should ensure they have the appropriate amount of insurance to cover a <br />catastrophe. <br />White noted Tess Rice was named by the Finance Commerce Magazine as one of the top women in <br />Minnesota involved in finance. <br />PAGE 7 of 10 <br />
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