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MINUTES OF THE <br />ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />Monday, October 8, 2007 <br />*5. #05-3152 JAMES D. MACIONNON, 3500 WATERTOWN ROAD — REQUEST FOR <br />SECOND EXTENSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL — RESOLUTION NO. 5674 <br />Murphy moved, McMillan seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 5674, a Resolution Granting a <br />Second One -Year Extension to the Effective Period of Preliminary Plat Approval Established Per <br />Resolution No. 5421. VOTE: Ayes 4, Nays 0. <br />6. #07-3298 875 WBW, LLC, 875 WAYZATA BOULEVARD WEST — FINAL <br />PLAT/RPUD, REZONING/COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT — RESOLUTION NOS. <br />5675 and 5676 AND ORDINANCE NO. 39, THIRD SERIES <br />Steve Johnston, John Terrance Homes, and Dave Carlson, WBW, LLC, were present. <br />Gaffron stated the applicants are requesting final approval of a PUD General Development Plan and <br />Final Plat approval, RPUD rezoning, and a comprehensive plan amendment. The applicants have <br />completed the majority of the items outlined in the Planner's Report, with only a few administrative <br />items remaining outstanding. <br />The issue of approval by Wayzata for the sewer and water plans has been resolved and the applicants <br />are awaiting the agreement between the two cities to be finalized that will approve the applicants' <br />physical plan, which is not necessary to have in hand prior to approval by the Orono City Council. The <br />City has received the escrow agreement and escrow deposit and a letter from the bank indicating that <br />they would be providing the letter of credit. <br />Gaffron stated he is satisfied that the documents are in final form and the applicant would be signing <br />those in the near future. Gaffron recommended the plat and final documents not be released for filing <br />until all of the administrative items are completed. <br />Murphy moved, McMillan seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 5676, a Resolution Granting <br />General Development Plan Approval for Planned Unit Development No. 6 for Orono Villas, LLC, <br />and Approving the Plat of Orono Villas — File No. 07-3298. VOTE: Ayes 4, Nays 0. <br />McMillan moved, Murphy seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 39, THIRD SERIES an <br />Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of Orono and Amending the Official Zoning Map by <br />Rezoning Certain Properties from RR -111, Single Family Rural Residential District, to RPUD, <br />Residential Planned Unit Development District, and Adding Section 78-1012 Regarding Planned <br />Unit Development No. 6. — File No. 06-3225/07-3298. VOTE: Ayes 4, Nays 0. <br />Rahn moved, White seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 5675, a Resolution Approving <br />Amendment #3 of the 2000-2020 City of Orono Community Management Plan. VOTE: Ayes 4, <br />Nays 0. <br />Murphy moved, Rahn seconded, to authorize Mayor James White and City Clerk Linda Vee to <br />execute PUD -6 Agreement. VOTE: Ayes 4, Nays 0. <br />y[ *7. #07-3313 THEODORE E. AND BETTY L. ZIEMAN 3045 SUSSEZ ROAD — <br />_ SUBDIVISION — RESOLUTION NO. 5677 <br />MurRhy moved McMillan seconded,to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 5677, a Resolution Granting <br />Preliminary Approval of a Class H Subdivision for Property Located at 3045 Sussex Road. <br />VOA- AvPQ d_ NAve n <br />PAGE 2 of 10 <br />