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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. <br />5676 <br />2. Upon the final approval and execution of this resolution and the Planned Unit <br />Development No. 6 Agreement, the City Council shall formally approve an <br />ordinance amending the official zoning map of the City to rezone the Property <br />from RR -1B Single Family Rural Residential District to RPUD Residential <br />Planned Unit Development District, and amending the Orono Zoning Code by <br />adding language establishing Planned Unit Development No. 6 to include the <br />Property. <br />3. Upon approval of this Resolution the City Council shall direct the Mayor and <br />Clerk to execute other documents required by this PUD rezoning, including but <br />not limited to the "Planned Unit Development No. 6 Agreement". <br />4. Residence structures developed on the Property shall be in conformity with the <br />location and design requirements established in Resolution 5619 and in <br />conformity with the Planned Unit Development No. 6 Agreement. Any proposed <br />development activity determined by the Planning Director to not be in conformity <br />with said Agreement may be made only after a public hearing conducted by the <br />Council. Any changes shall be recorded as amendments to the recorded copy of <br />the final development plan. <br />5. If substantial development has not occurred within one year after approval of <br />PUD No. 6 as set forth in the Planned Unit Development No. 6 Agreement, the <br />City Council may declare the approvals granted within this resolution and within <br />said Agreement as null and void. <br />6. The aforesaid plat shall be filed with the Hennepin County on or before April 8, <br />2008 together with a certified original copy of this resolution and executed copies <br />of the Agreements, easements, and covenants pertinent thereto. The plat approval <br />granted by this Resolution shall expire if the plat has not been filed by the date <br />specified above. In that event, it will be necessary to file a new application with <br />the City of Orono for subdivision review. <br />7. The approvals granted in this Resolution shall become effective only when all <br />conditions of approval requiring actions by the Developer have been satisfied, and <br />only upon certification by the City Attorney that all legal requirements have been <br />satisfied. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />