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Resolution 5673
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5673
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8/7/2015 7:44:26 AM
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2/25/2016 1:38:29 PM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO 567; <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING <br />AMENDMENT #5 OF THE <br />2000-2020 CITY OF ORONO <br />COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />WHEREAS, the City of Orono is a municipal corporation located within <br />Hennepin County and within the planning jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Council; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with the Metropolitan Land Planning Act of 1976 and <br />its amendments, and with Minnesota Statutes Chapters 462 and 473, the City of Orono in <br />November 2001 adopted a comprehensive municipal plan known as the 2000-2020 City of <br />Orono Community Management Plan (also referred to as the 2000-2020 CMP) to provide for the <br />orderly development of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, an integral element of the 2000-2020 CMP is the Comprehensive <br />Sewer Policy Plan, which identifies certain areas of the City as being within the Metropolitan <br />Urban Service Area (MUSA) in which connections to the metropolitan sanitary sewer system are <br />allowed; and <br />WHEREAS, the neighborhood within the City of Orono known as "Myrtlewood" <br />is comprised of 10 single family residential homes developed from 1954 to 1967 using septic <br />systems and wells, on lots ranging in size from less than 1 acre to just more than 7 acres in gross <br />area; and <br />WHEREAS, Myrtlewood is zoned RR -1B, Single Family Rural Residential <br />District, requiring a minimum lot size of two dry buildable acres. Only three of the ten <br />developed lots meet the 2 -acre standard, and four of ten contain less than one acre of dry <br />buildable land. None of the existing lots are further subdividable under current zoning; i.e. none <br />of the larger lots contains as much as 4.0 acres of dry buildable land; and <br />WHEREAS, through its ongoing program of inspection of existing septic <br />systems, the City has determined that 6 of the 10 developed lots have non -conforming septic <br />systems that are required to be repaired or replaced by December 31, 2010 in accordance with <br />City ordinances; and <br />WHEREAS, a majority of the lots have limited available area for septic system <br />replacement or expansion, due to a variety of factors including the proximity of wetlands, steep <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />
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