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p4��o <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5 6 6 6 <br />A RESOLUTION <br />REVISING RESOLUTION <br />NO. 5611 <br />FILE NO. 07-3285 <br />WHEREAS, Robbin S. Johnson and B. Kristine Johnson, husband and <br />wife, (hereinafter "Owners') are the owners of the property located at 1280 Bracketts Point <br />Road within the City of Orono (hereinafter "City") and legally described as: See Exhibit A <br />(hereinafter "the Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, Resolution No. 5611 granted the Property a variance to <br />Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1438 to allow a pool house/storage building four feet <br />from the swimming pool when a ten foot separation is required; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owners now desire to construct the pool house only 2.5 feet <br />from the swimming pool. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Orono, <br />Minnesota: <br />FINDINGS <br />1. This was reviewed by the City Council on September 24, 2047. <br />2. Poor soils require that the structure be supported entirely by the existing pool <br />equipment enclosure. For this reason the separation between the structure and <br />the building has been reduced from 4.0 feet to 2.5 feet. <br />3. The building has been reduced from 574 square feet to 342 square feet. <br />4. The revised building design makes it more difficult for unauthorized persons to <br />dive into the pool from inside the building or the roof. <br />5. The Findings of Resolution No. 5611 are still applicable. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />