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0,4 <br />A <br />��4t <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5652 <br />2. Dedication on the plat of perimeter Drainage and Utility Easements and Drainage <br />Easements as required in Resolution No. 5607. <br />3. Submittal of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) permit approving the <br />grading, drainage and stormwater management plan for development of the <br />Property. <br />4. Provision to the City of an underlying Road, Drainage and Utilities Easement for <br />the private road within Outlot B. <br />5. Provision to the City of a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, <br />and Private Roadway Easement for the private road in Outlot B, including <br />provisions allowing no fences within 10' either side of the pavement, as well as <br />requiring that the private road be maintained in all seasons to its paved width and <br />not allowed to be narrowed. <br />6. Dedication on the plat of right-of-way for a public portion of Bracketts Point <br />Road. <br />7. Submittal of covenants for use and maintenance of tennis court Outlot A, <br />including provisions prohibiting additional accessory structures in Outlot A. <br />8. Submittal of signed Covenant for Maintenance of Raingardens, as well as <br />submittal of covenants for all other stormwater management facilities. <br />9. Submittal of final plans and specifications for all proposed utility lines and <br />services, including proposed revisions to existing service facilities, as well as a <br />utility abandonment plan; final grading, drainage and erosion control plan; <br />engineering details and design for any proposed retaining walls; final boulevard <br />landscaping design plan with planting schedules including numbers and species; <br />road construction plans including proposed plan and profile views, typical street <br />section, geotechnical report, R -value recommendation and pavement design; all of <br />the above in sufficient detail to meet the recommendations of the City Engineer. <br />10. Submittal of signed Drainage and Utility Easement over the appropriate portions <br />of the adjacent Headrick property. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />