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xbibit A 5 6 4 8 <br />Existing Legal Descriptions <br />McGuire Property - 315 Woodhill Road <br />Parcel 1: <br />Troct A, Registered Land Survey No: 1596,, files of Registrar ' <br />of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota, except that. part .:described <br />as beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 1,. WOODHILL <br />RIDGE, thence northeasterly:. along the southeasterly line' of said <br />Lot 3 a, distance. of 241::87 feet; thence :so . <br />on :the easterly uthwesterly to o point <br />extension of the `Southeriy. line es said .Lot 3. <br />distant. 17..6.0, feet eas.t.erly from_ the` Southeast corner: thereof; <br />thence west. to the .point,: of . beginning, <br />.Also.that': part -of -'Lot 3, Block 1,..WOODHiLi RIDG.lying. northeasterly <br />of a line running from a point. on:.the'southea terly line .-thereof distant <br />50, he - southwesterly.,from.. the: most easter1'. corner thereof to.'a point <br />on the no�.theas.terly line. thereof. distant 72.95' feet northwesterly. from <br />the. -most easterly. corner thereof..... . <br />O'Malley Properties - 290 Woodhill Road <br />Parcel 2: Lot 1, Woodhill Ridge, 2"d Addition <br />Parcel 3: Outlot D, Woodhill Ridge, 2"d Addition <br />