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i ar'c J V, , <br />H. Grasspave2 Sign: A sign to identify the presence of Grasspave2 paving, stating that special <br />maintenance is required, with the Manufacturer's phone number, and made of durable materials for 5 6 3 9 <br />outdoor exposure shall be provided and installed_ <br />I. Firelane Signage & Delineation: Firelanes must be identified regarding their entrance and physical <br />location with the placement of signs, gates, curbs, bollards, etc. Specific signage wording and other <br />details must be coordinated with and approved by local fire authorities. <br />PART 3 - EXECUTION <br />3.01 Inspection <br />(It is recommended that Fire Department inspectors be scheduled to inspect installation of Grasspave2 <br />during preparation of the subbase, installation of the base course, and installation of Grasspave2 units. <br />Most small projects can accommodate these inspections all on the same day. Verify with Fire <br />Department if certificates of inspection are required.) <br />A. Examine subgrade and base course installed conditions. Do not start Grasspave2 installation <br />until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Check for improperly compacted trenches, debris, and <br />improper gradients. <br />B. Installation constitutes acceptance of existing conditions and responsibility for satisfactory <br />performance. If existing conditions are found unsatisfactory, contact Project Manager for resolution. <br />3.02 Preparation <br />(Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate to receive designed base course, wearing course, <br />and designed loads. Generally, excavation into undisturbed normal strength soils will require no <br />additional modification. Fill soils and otherwise structurally weak soils may require modifications, such <br />as geotextiles, geogrids, and/or compaction (not to exceed 90%). Ensure that grading and soil porosity <br />of the subbase will provide adequate subsurface drainage.) <br />A. Place base course material over prepared subbase to grades shown on plans, in lifts not to exceed <br />150 mm (6"), compacting each lift separately to 95% Modified Proctor. Leave minimum 25 mm (I,,) to <br />35 mm (1.5") for Grasspave2 unit and sand/sod fill to Final Grade. <br />B. Spread all Hydrogrow mix provided (spreader rate= 4.53 kg per 100 m2 (10 lbs per 1076 ft2) <br />evenly over the surface of the base course with a hand-held, or wheeled, rotary spreader. The <br />Hydrogrow mix should be placed immediately before installing the Grasspave2 units to assure that the <br />polymer does not become wet and expanded when installing the units. <br />3.03 Installation of Grasspave2 Units <br />A. Install the Grasspave2 units by placing units with rings facing up, and using pegs and holes <br />provided to maintain proper spacing and interlock the units. Units can be easily shaped with pruning <br />shears or knife. Units placed on curves and slopes shall be anchored to the base course, using 16d <br />Common nails with fender washer, as required to secure units in place. Tops of rings shall be between 6 <br />mm to 13 mm (0.25" to 0.5") below the surface of adjacent hard -surface pavements. <br />B. Install sand in rings as they are laid in sections by "backdumping" directly from a dump truck, or <br />6/25/2007 <br />