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Resolution 5632
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5632
Entry Properties
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8/7/2015 7:39:53 AM
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2/25/2016 1:38:21 PM
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� 0,4 ' <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5632 <br />only 25% is normally allowed; and a variance to Section 78-1432 to allow retention of an accessory <br />structure upon removal of the principal structure; and a variance and conditional use permit for <br />retaining wall reconstruction and grading within 75' of the shoreline; subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the building plans dated April 9, 2007 submitted by the <br />applicants and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A; and on the <br />site plan and grading plan dated May 22, 2007 submitted by the applicants and annotated by <br />City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit B; subject to the revisions and conditions <br />recommended by the City Engineer in his memo dated June 1, 2007 and any forthcoming <br />subsequent memos. Any amendments to the above noted plans which are not in conformity <br />with City codes or not in keeping with the provisions of this Resolution will require further <br />City Council review. <br />2. Hardcover in the 0-75' zone shall be limited to 778 s.f. or 7.72% and hardcover within the <br />75-250' zone shall be limited to 5,017 s.f. or 27.4% per the proposed plan and hardcover <br />allowance summary as depicted on Exhibit B. Applicants are advised that any future <br />requests to increase hardcover or change the nature of existing/approved hardcover shall <br />require City approval, and increases in hardcover will not likely be approved without <br />concurrent reduction in existing hardcover. <br />3. A lakeshore setback and hardcover variance is hereby granted to allow the existing pool to <br />remain at its current location partially within the 0-75' zone. <br />4. Authorities granted by this resolution run with the property not with the applicants, but are <br />permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining a building permit for the new <br />construction within one year of the date of Council approval, or the variances and conditional <br />use permit will expire on that date (June 25, 2008). <br />5. Violation of or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this resolution shall <br />constitute a violation of the zoning code, shall automatically terminate any authority granted <br />herein, and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. <br />6. The undersigned owners have read, understood and hereby agree to the terms of this <br />resolution and on behalf of themselves and their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby agree <br />to the recording of this resolution in the chain of title of the property. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />
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