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144 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5622 <br />resolution shall constitute a violation of the zoning code, shall automatically <br />terminate any authority granted herein, and shall be punishable as a <br />misdemeanor. <br />4. The undersigned Owners have read, understand and hereby agree to the terns <br />of this resolution and on behalf of their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby <br />agree to the recording of this resolution in the chain of title of the property. <br />Adopted by the Orono City Council on this 29th day of May, 2007 <br />ATTEST: <br />Linda S. Vee, City Clerk <br />za, /dam/. � <br />J nes M. White, Mayor <br />/; <br />Susan Kayd elson <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />