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Resolution 5608
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5608
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/7/2015 7:38:15 AM
Creation date
2/25/2016 1:38:17 PM
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CITY of ORONO <br />F <br />^� RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />J <br />NO. 5608 <br />3. The Property is guided in the 2000-2020 Orono Community Management Plan <br />(CMP) for single family residential use at a density of 1 unit per 2 acres. The <br />proposed layout contains 13 lots on 39.29 non -wetland acres, for an overall <br />density of 1 unit per 3 dry acres. <br />4. The Property contains a variety of natural features including wooded areas, open <br />fields, steep slopes, wetlands, natural drainageways, and discontinuous areas of <br />dry buildable land. <br />5. The proposed plat includes thirteen lots. All thirteen lots will be served via a <br />private road to be constructed by the Developer, extending westerly off of Leaf <br />Street. Twelve of the 13 lots will have a driveway access from the private road, <br />Lot 1, Block 3 stands alone along Leaf Street and will require one new driveway <br />access onto Leaf Street. <br />6. The potential number of homes to be ultimately served by the private road is <br />thirteen, because the road outlot will extend to the west property boundary to <br />allow for development of an additional lot. The private road will be subject to <br />homeowner association ownership and maintenance, and subject to an underlying <br />Road, Drainage and Utility Easement to be granted to the City, as well as a <br />"Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private Roadway <br />Easement" either as a separate document or incorporated into the development <br />covenants. Such document is intended to allow for the addition of the lot <br />accessing the private road at the point of Outlot B. <br />7. The Developer has created an outlot between the development and Watertown <br />Road. This outlot will consist of a vegetated prairie and will contain woodchip <br />walking paths, stormwater ponds and other amenities to serve the development, <br />and will be covered by a Conservation Easement as well as wetland preservation <br />covenants and easements, wooded area preservation covenants, drainage <br />easements, etc. The intent is to preserve the area of the outlot in as natural a <br />condition as possible with no buildings, roads or other man-made intrusions other <br />than the wooded path and stormwater ponds as necessary to serve the <br />development. <br />8. Each lot has a proposed building site meeting the RR -1B setback standards (50' <br />front and rear, 30' sides). <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />
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