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Resolution 5607
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5607
Entry Properties
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8/7/2015 7:38:04 AM
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2/25/2016 1:38:17 PM
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°moo <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5 6 o 7 <br />FINDINGS <br />1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #07-3274. <br />2. The property is zoned LR-lA Single Family Lakeshore Residential District, <br />which requires a minimum lot area of 2.0 acres and minimum lot width of 200' <br />The Property including the right-of-way to be vacated is 5.99 acres in area, all of <br />which is dry buildable area. <br />3. The property is guided in the 2000-2020 Orono Community Management Plan <br />(CMP) for single family residential use at a density of 1 unit per 2 acres. The <br />proposed layout contains 2 residential lots each exceeding 2.0 acres in area. <br />4. The proposed re -plat includes two residential lots. Both lots, plus the adjacent <br />property at 1480 Bracketts Point Road, will be served via a new private road to be <br />constructed by the Developer, extending generally southeastward along the north <br />and east property boundaries of Lot 1 and ending in a cul-de-sac abutting Lots I <br />and 2. This new private road will replace the existing public road which will be <br />vacated. At the level of 3 properties being served the required outlot corridor <br />width by City ordinance would be 50' for the road and 100' diameter for the cul- <br />de-sac, with a 24' paved width and 80' diameter paved cul-de-sac. Because the <br />existing public road not being vacated averages only 14'-16' in traveled width <br />within a 20' right-of-way corridor, it would be reasonable to not require the full <br />code -standard 24' paved width for the new private road. However, in order that <br />the Fire Code is met and that adequate emergency access is provided, it is <br />reasonable to require that the new private road be no less than 20' in paved width. <br />To provide adequate room for drainage, utilities and snow storage, the outlot <br />corridor for the private road must be no less than 30' and additional drainage and <br />utility easements within the abutting properties should be established to provide a <br />total dedicated corridor width of 50' wherever possible, but in no case less than <br />10' outside the paved roadway. <br />5. The private road will be subject to homeowner association ownership and <br />maintenance, and subject to an underlying Road, Drainage and Utility Easement <br />to be granted to the City, as well as a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, <br />Restrictions and Private Roadway Easement" either as a separate document or <br />incorporated into the development covenants. <br />Page 2ofII <br />
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