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Resolution 6584
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6584
Entry Properties
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6/18/2019 2:23:25 PM
Creation date
2/11/2016 1:17:40 PM
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, , ' <br /> . �0�� <br /> C ITY OF �RONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��� �.�'~� N O. � � � , <br /> � �. <br /> kESH�� <br /> A7. At 20' x 20' the detached garage is generally as small as a 2-stall garage can be while still <br /> being functional. A review of the immediate Livingston Avenue neighborhood indicates <br /> that wlule a majority of detached garages are located in rear or side yards, a variance was <br /> granted in 2002 for a detached garage in front of the house for the property to the immediate <br /> west at 3422 Livingston. In that case the 30' front setback was able to be met. <br /> A8. The proposed 25-foot street setback and 20' wide driveway will allow for parking of at <br /> least two vehicles in the driveway without encroaching into the right-of-way. <br /> A9. Regarding the structure-to-structure setback variance, the proposed gazage will be <br /> approximately 8 feet from the platform of the existing open deck on the property,and about <br /> 5 feet from the edge of the steps. The intent of the 10-foot separation requirement is two- <br /> fold: 1)to reduce the visual density of a site,and 2)to a11ow for access between structures. <br /> Because the deck is open and extends from the main floor,the visual impact of the proposed <br /> garage should be relatively minimal. Access to the rear of the lot should still be feasible <br /> around the east side of the lot. <br /> A 10. The applicant has very few options for revising the plan. Making the garage narrower,for <br /> instance as a 1-sta11 or 1-1/2 stall configuration,would allow it to move further back on the <br /> site without encroaching the side street setback. However,that likely would force it closer <br /> to the deck, and would decrease the functionality and storage space gained with a 2-stall <br /> garage. Angling the garage to be squaze with the house rather than square with the street <br /> might provide only minimal relief from the setback encroachments. The setback variances <br /> for the proposed gazage aze not extreme, and with such a difficult lot, unavoidable unless <br /> a very narrow and less functional gazage is constructed. While there is existing vegetative <br /> screening of the proposed gaxage location from Shadywood Road, and while that is <br /> primarily deciduous screening, no variance from the side street setback is proposed. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> B1. "Variances sha11 only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes <br /> and intent of the ordinance . . . ." The proposed variances to a11ow the construction of a <br /> detached garage on property zoned for single family use is consistent with the general <br /> intent and purpose of the Ordinance. Detached garages are a common amenity associated <br /> with residences and are an allowed accessory structure within the LR-1 C zoning district. <br /> B2. "Variances shall only be permitted... when the variances are consistent with the <br /> comprehensive plan." Granting of the proposed variances to construct a detached garage <br /> to serve a single family residence is consistent with the residential guiding of this and <br /> surrounding properties in the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br />
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