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Resolution 6580
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6580
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2/11/2016 1:16:26 PM
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2/11/2016 1:16:14 PM
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5s <br />QLJM ON OF SMECT #'BONY <br />As supplied by ciknt) <br />(Par 1 and 2 - per Certibots of Title No 662661, Dated April 24th.1985) <br />(Par 3 - As supplied by client as shown an survey from Cordon R. Coffin. doted 8/20/64) <br />Par I. That part of lots 3 and 4. "Auditor's Subdivision Number 284, Hennepin County. Minnesota. desenbed as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence End along the South line of said Lot 4 a distance of 48.4 feet: <br />thence North parallel with the East line of void Lot 3 a distance of 310 fest; thence Southwesterly 254.65 feet to o point <br />which le 188.3 feet Murat of the East line of said Lot 3 and 2126 feet North of the South line of said Lot % them West <br />arallel with the South line of acid Lot 3 a distance of 23.5 feet; thence Southeasterly 271.7 feet to o point an the South <br />fppins of said Lot 3 distant 47.05 feet West of point of beginning; thence East to point of beginning, according to the plat <br />thereof an Elle or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and far said County. <br />Subject to an easernent for right of way purposes aver that portion of said Lot •3 Included in the above described <br />Tract described as follow: Beginning at a point an the South line of sold Lot 3 distant 21.55 feet West of the Southeast <br />corner thereof; thence Northwesterly 271.7 feet to point 212.6 feat North of the South line of said Lot 3 and 188.3 feet . <br />West of the East line of said Lot 3; thence Wast parallel with the South Ilne' of said Lot 3 a distance of 25.5 fest; thence <br />Southeasterly 271.7 feet to a point on the South Ilse of sold Lot 3 distance 25.5 feat West of point of beginning; thence <br />East to pant of beginning as shown in deed pact. No. 152393, Files of Registrar of Titles: <br />Par 2: That part of lot 11. 'Auditoes Subdivision Number 307, Htnnspin County. Minnesata` described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast comer of Lot B. sold Auditor`s Subdivision No. 3D7; thence East along the extension of the <br />South fins of said Loot B a distance of 46.5 feet; thence North pardlal with the North and South center tine of Scotian 2. <br />Township 117. Range 23 a distance of 35281 feet to a point in the extenslon of the Northerly line of said Lot 8: thence <br />Southwesterly along said extended Northerly line of distance of 49.83 fact to the Northeast corner of said Lot 8; thence <br />South along the East line of sold Lot B. a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning. <br />That part of Lot 1x, Auditorrs Subdivision No. 307, Hennepin County. Minnesato described as follows: Beginning at <br />the point of Intersection of the Northerly line of Lot 1% sold AudIWo Subdivision No. 307 with the North'and South center <br />line of Section 2. Township 117. Range 23; thence Southwesterly along the Northerly line of said Lot B to the angle point <br />on the Northerly Me of said Lot; sold point being 25.5 fest East of the most Wasterl corner of acid Lot 8; thence <br />Northwesterly 32.2 feet to a point 204.74 fest Southwesterly cram the point of beginning. thence Northeasterly 204.74 feet <br />to the point of beginning. <br />according to the plot thereof on file or of record In the offices of the Registrar of Titles and the Register of Deeds in and <br />for said County. <br />PAR 3: That part of Lot 10 in Auditors Subdivision Number 307. Hennepin County. Minnesota, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast comer of Lot 8 in said Auditorrs Subdivision No. 307; thence West aiong the South line of said <br />Lot 8 a distance of 48.4 feet to a ppu�dldal land mark in the North and South center fine of Section 2. Township 117. <br />Rangy 23; thence South along the North and South center line of said Section 2 a distance of 114.3 feet to the <br />Northwest comer of Lot 9 in cold Auditors Subdivision No. 307, thence East along the North line of sold Lot 9 a distance <br />of 95 feet to the Northeast comer of said Lot 9; thence North parallel with the North and South center line of said <br />Section 2 a distance of 114.3 fact to a point in the extension of the South fine of said Lot 8; thence West along sold <br />extended South line of said Lot 8 a distance of 48.6 feet to the point of beginning. according to the plat thereof on isle <br />and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County. <br />
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