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i�� <br /> /� O\� <br /> �o O\, <br /> �e - �� C ITY of ORONO <br /> � �� <br /> �,�, <br /> �� G'� j RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI� <br /> L9kESH�4�' N0. 4 � � �� <br /> demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to preserve a substantial <br /> property right of the applicants; and w�ould be in keeping with the spirit and <br /> intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants renewal <br /> variances to Municipal Zoning Code Sections 10.22, Subdivisions 1 and 2, 10.55, Subdivision <br /> 8, and 10.56, Subdivision 16 (C & L) to permit the restoration of the existing lakeshore <br /> stairway system, retaining �vall and underground grotto, subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. The restoration �vork shall not exceed that contemplated or proposed in the <br /> submitted plans. Hardcover in the 0-75' lakeshore setback zone shall not exceed <br /> the pre-existing level of 0.7% as indicated on the site restoration plan attached <br /> as E�hibit B. Applicant is advised that any future proposal to add hardcover in <br /> the 0-75' lakeshore setback zone might be approved only in conjunction with the <br /> concurrent removal of existin� hardcover, resulting in no net increase in <br /> hardcover in the 0-'7�' zone. <br /> 2. Struct�iral restoration of the existing boathouse is specifically not a part of this <br /> approval, and structural repairs to that building shall be reviewed by the <br /> Inspections Department and if determined to require �•ariances, shall be brought <br /> forth to the Planning Commission and City Council as a separate application. <br /> 3. Authorities granted by this variance run w�ith the property not with the <br /> applicants, but are permissive only and must be exercised by application for a <br /> building permit within one year of the date of Council approval, or this variance <br /> �vill eYpire on that date (October 26, 1999). <br /> 4. Violation of or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this <br /> variance shall constitute a violation of the zonina code, shall automatically <br /> terminate any authority granted herein, and shall be punishable as a <br /> misdemeanor. <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />