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. �-o� <br /> � C ITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� �,� � �-- -� .� <br /> G �� �.) � b <br /> r"�kFsxo��' <br /> NO. <br /> 2. "Variances shall only be permitted... when the variances are consistent with the <br /> comprehensive plan." The OAS will be screened adequately year round by evergreen <br /> trees and will not be visually discernable when viewed from off of the Property. Other <br /> properties in the vicinity have similar barns and sheds streetward of the principal <br /> structures, therefore the variance will not alter the essential character of the locality. <br /> Additionally, the proposed location for the OAS is compliant with all other pertinent <br /> setbacks: 142 feet from the front lot line where a 50-foot setback is required; 440 feet <br /> from the rear lot line where a 50-foot setback is required; 105 feet from the west side lot <br /> line where a 30' setback is required; and 100 feet from the east side lot line where a 30' <br /> setback is required.The size of the proposed OAS as well as the screened,and otherwise <br /> conforming, location is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br /> 3. "Variances may be granted when the Applicants for the variance establish that there are <br /> practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. `Practical difficulties,'as used <br /> in connection with the granting of a variance, means that: <br /> a. The property owner in question proposes to use the property in a reasonable <br /> manner, however, the proposed use is not permitted by the official contro/s." <br /> The Applicants' desire to store large vehicles within an enclosed structure on the <br /> Property which will be screened from offsite by mature vegetation is reasonable <br /> although the proposed location of the OAS is not permitted by official controls. <br /> b. "The plight of the /andowner is due to circumstances unique to his property not <br /> created by the landowner." <br /> The shape of this lot, the existing tree stands combined with the location of the <br /> home on the Property result in a unique circumstance allowing for the 2,400 <br /> square foot OAS to be almost completely screened from view off the Property. <br /> The configuration of the lot was not created by the Applicants. <br /> c. "The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality." <br /> The Applicants have proposed to locate the OAS within a clearing surrounded <br /> primarily by mature evergreen trees which will provide screening from atl <br /> directions.The proposed variance will be in harmony with the intent of the Zoning <br /> Code as the proposed structure will be screened from view by the vegetation that <br /> exists between the proposed structure and Bayside Road. The variance will not <br /> alter the essential character of the locality. <br /> 4. "Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties." The Applicants <br /> have not requested approval of the variance based on economic considerations. <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br />